boilover [adjective] (of a liquid) to overflow or erupt suddenly from a container due to excessive heat or pressure 例句: 1. The boiling pot of soup resulted in a boilover mess all over the stovetop. (烧沸的汤锅导致了火炉顶部的溢出混乱。) 2. The heat caused a boilover situation, with the liquid spilling onto the burner. (高温导致了一种溢出情况,液体溢出到了炉灶上。)名词
boilover [noun] 1. The act or instance of a liquid suddenly overflowing or erupting from a container due to excessive heat or pressure. 2. (sports) An unexpected result or upset in a competition, particularly when an underdog defeats a favorite. 词语辨析: - Boilover (名词) 指液体由于过热或过压而突然从容器中溢出或喷出的行为或情况。 - Boilover (体育) 指在比赛中出现意外的结果或冷门,特别是当弱队击败强队时。 词汇扩充: - Overflow: 溢出,泛滥 - Erupt: 爆发,喷发 - Excessive: 过度的,过多的 - Heat: 热,加热 - Pressure: 压力 - Result: 结果,导致 - Upset: 意外的结果,冷门 - Underdog: 弱队 - Favorite: 强队,受欢迎的人或物 近义词: - Spill over - Boiling over - Overflowing 反义词: - Contain - Controlled柯林斯词典
boilover (名词) 1. (of a liquid) an instance of overflowing or erupting suddenly from a container due to excessive heat or pressure. 2. (sports) an unexpected result or upset in a competition. 柯林斯词典例句: 1. Add the cornflour mixture and continue to stir until the sauce reaches boiling point to avoid a boilover. (添加玉米淀粉混合物,继续搅拌直到酱汁达到沸点以避免溢出。) 2. The match ended in a boilover, with the underdog team defeating the reigning champions. (比赛以冷门结束,弱队击败了卫冕冠军。)牛津词典
boilover (名词) 1. (of a liquid) an instance of overflowing or erupting suddenly from a container due to excessive heat or pressure. 2. (sports) an unexpected result or upset in a competition. 牛津词典例句: 1. The soup had a dangerous boilover that spilled onto the stove. (这碗汤有一个危险的溢出,洒在了炉子上。) 2. The race ended in a boilover, with the underdog winning by a narrow margin. (比赛以冷门结束,弱队以微弱优势获胜。)中英对照例句
- Boil the milk slowly to prevent a boilover. (慢慢地煮牛奶,以防止溢出。)
- There was a dangerous boilover when the pressure cooker exploded. (压力锅爆炸时发生了危险的喷溅。)
- I forgot about the boiling pot and caused a boilover. (我忘记了正在煮沸的锅,导致了溢出。)
- The team's unexpected victory was a boilover in the championship. (球队意外的胜利是本次锦标赛中的冷门。)
- The crowd went wild after witnessing the thrilling boilover. (观看了激动人心的冷门后,观众们疯狂了。)
- A boilover in the election led to a change in government. (选举中的冷门导致了政府的更替。)
- The match ended in a boilover, with the underdog team triumphing. (比赛以冷门结束,弱队获胜。)
- The soup is boiling over, please turn down the heat. (汤快要溢出了,请把火调小。)
- Her anger boiled over and she couldn't control herself anymore. (她的愤怒爆发了,她再也无法控制自己。)
- The pressure inside the container caused a dangerous boilover. (容器内的压力导致了危险的喷溅。)
- The boilover of the liquid caused a mess on the stovetop. (液体的喷溅在炉灶顶部造成了一片混乱。)
- The unexpected result was a boilover that stunned the audience. (意想不到的结果是一个令观众震惊的冷门。)
- We had a boilover in the office when the project deadline was missed. (项目截止日期错过时,办公室内发生了一场冷门。)
- The boilover in the football match caused a major upset. (足球比赛中的冷门引起了重大波澜。)
- I couldn't believe it when I witnessed the boilover at the tennis match. (当我目睹了网球比赛中的冷门时,我简直不敢相信。)
- His sudden outburst was a boilover of his pent-up frustration. (他突然的爆发是他积压的沮丧情绪的喷发。)
- The soup is dangerously close to a boilover, please reduce the heat. (汤与溢出的危险非常接近,请减小火力。)
- The pressure in the container caused a boilover, spilling hot liquid everywhere. (容器内的压力导致了喷溅,热液体溅得到处都是。)
- She couldn't handle the stress anymore, and her emotions boiled over. (她再也无法应对压力,情绪爆发了。)
- The boilover in the race shocked the entire sports community. (比赛中的冷门震惊了整个体育界。)
- The boilover at the end of the game caused a lot of excitement among the fans. (比赛结束时的冷门在球迷中引起了很多兴奋。)