I. Noun:
1. (plural noun) - A series of yarns arranged lengthways on a loom and crossed by the weft to form cloth. - 经线(织机上纵向排列的纱线,与纬线交叉以形成布) 2. (plural noun) - Distortion or twist in the shape of an object, especially one that has been subjected to stress. - 翘曲,扭曲(尤指在受到压力后的物体形状)II. Verb:
1. (transitive verb) - (Especially in science fiction) transport someone or something to another place or time instantaneously. - (尤指在科幻小说中)瞬间将某人或某物传送到另一个地方或时间III. Adjective:
1. - Having bends or twists; contorted. - 弯曲的,扭曲的Word Associations:
- Synonyms: distort, twist, bend, contort - Antonyms: straighten, untwist, unbendCollocation:
- Warp and weft: 经纬Collins Dictionary:
- noun 1. (on a loom) the threads running lengthways between the selvages, crossed by the weft 2. the yarns arranged lengthways on a loom, forming the threads through which the weft yarns are wovenOxford Dictionary:
- noun 1. The threads on a loom over and under which other threads (the weft) are passed to make cloth. 2. The state of being warped or twisted. 3. A mental or moral twist or aberration.Usage:
- She skillfully wove the weft through the warp to create a beautiful fabric. - The wooden board had warped over time due to changes in humidity. - In the novel, the protagonist was warped to a dystopian future. - The old tree had a warped trunk, contorted by years of wind and weather.Examples:
- The tapestry's intricate design was created by skillfully weaving the colorful weft through the warp. (这幅挂毯的复杂图案是通过巧妙地将彩色纬线穿过经线而制成的。)
- The wooden floorboards had warped over time, causing a noticeable unevenness in the surface. (木地板随着时间变形,导致表面出现明显的不平整。)
- In the science fiction novel, the protagonist discovers a machine that can warp space-time and travel to distant galaxies. (在这本科幻小说中,主人公发现了一台可以扭曲时空、穿越到遥远星系的机器。)
- His traumatic childhood experiences had left him with a warped sense of trust and security. (他在童年时的创伤经历让他对信任和安全产生了扭曲的认知。)
- The artist used the warp and weft of the fabric to create a textured effect in her artwork. (艺术家利用织物的经纬线来在她的作品中创造出纹理效果。)
- Over time, the intense heat caused the plastic ruler to warp and lose its straight shape. (随着时间的推移,强烈的热量使塑料尺子变形,失去了直线的形状。)
- The time-traveling spaceship had the ability to warp through different dimensions. (时间旅行的宇宙飞船具有在不同维度中穿梭的能力。)
- The warped mirror distorted the reflection, making everything appear elongated and distorted. (扭曲的镜子扭曲了反射,使一切看起来变得拉长和扭曲。)
- Her mind was warped by years of isolation, leading to irrational thoughts and behavior. (多年的孤立使她的思想产生了偏差,导致了不理性的想法和行为。)
- The carpenter used a steam iron to warp the wooden plank into the desired shape. (木匠使用蒸汽熨斗将木板弯曲成所需的形状。)
- The novel explores the warps and wefts of human relationships and the impact of past trauma. (这本小说探索了人际关系的纵横交错和过去创伤的影响。)
- The artist's unique style of painting often involves warping perspectives and distorting reality. (艺术家独特的绘画风格常常涉及扭曲的视角和扭曲的现实。)
- Her warped sense of humor often left people unsure whether she was joking or being serious. (她扭曲的幽默感常常让人们不确定她是在开玩笑还是认真的。)
- The spaceship's warp drive allowed it to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. (宇宙飞船的超空间引擎使其能以超光速行驶。)
- The fabric had a slight warp, causing the pattern to appear slightly distorted. (这块织物有点翘曲,导致图案看起来有点扭曲。)
- The movie used clever editing techniques to warp the audience's perception of time. (这部电影使用巧妙的编辑技巧来扭曲观众对时间的感知。)
- The cult leader's warped ideology attracted vulnerable individuals who were easily manipulated. (邪教领袖扭曲的意识形态吸引了易受操纵的弱势个体。)
- She used a hairdryer to heat the plastic and warp it into the desired shape. (她用吹风机加热塑料并将其弯曲成所需的形状。)
- The artist's work often explores the warps and wefts of memory and personal history. (艺术家的作品常常探索记忆和个人历史的纵横交错。)
- The intense pressure caused the metal plate to warp and crack. (巨大的压力导致金属板变形和开裂。)