helpout 和 help 的区别在于 helpout 更强调主动提供帮助或援助,而 help 更广泛地指提供帮助。
helpout (verb):
If you help someone out, you help them by doing some work or by lending them money.
helpout (noun):
A helpout is an act of helping someone by doing some work or lending them money.
helpout (verb):
Help someone do something, typically by doing part of the work yourself.
helpout (noun):
An act of helping someone, typically by doing part of the work yourself.
1. Can you helpout with this project? (你能帮忙做这个项目吗?)
2. I always helpout my neighbors when they are in need. (当我的邻居需要帮助时,我总是会帮忙的。)
3. He used a wheelchair and various helpout devices to assist with his mobility. (他使用轮椅和各种辅助设备来帮助他行动。)
1. Can you helpout with the cooking tonight? (今晚你能帮忙做饭吗?)
2. She always helpsout at the local charity events. (她总是在本地的慈善活动中提供帮助。)
3. I'll helpout with the cleaning after the party. (派对结束后,我会帮忙打扫。)
4. The organization provides financial helpout to those in need. (该组织向有需要的人提供经济援助。)
5. The volunteers offered to helpout with the construction of the new school. (志愿者们主动提出帮忙建设新学校。)
6. The company lent a hand by sending a team of experts to helpout. (公司派遣一支专家团队前来帮忙。)
7. The government should provide more helpout to small businesses. (政府应该向小企业提供更多援助。)
8. He always pitches in to helpout his colleagues when they are overwhelmed with work. (当同事们工作过多时,他总是会伸出援助之手。)
9. She offered to helpout with the event preparations. (她主动提出帮忙准备活动。)
10. The community came together to helpout the victims of the natural disaster. (社区为灾民提供帮助。)
11. I asked my friend to helpout with moving furniture. (我请朋友帮忙搬家具。)
12. The organization is in need of volunteers to helpout at the shelter. (该组织需要志愿者在收容所提供帮助。)
13. The local community center offers helpout services for elderly residents. (当地社区中心为老年居民提供帮助服务。)
14. We need someone to helpout in the kitchen for tonight's event. (我们需要有人在今晚的活动中帮忙厨房工作。)
15. They were grateful for the helpout they received during their difficult time. (在他们困难时期得到的帮助,他们非常感激。)
16. The company decided to provide financial helpout to its employees affected by the pandemic. (公司决定为受疫情影响的员工提供经济援助。)
17. The organization relies on volunteers to helpout with various community projects. (该组织依靠志愿者来帮忙各种社区项目。)
18. She offered to helpout with the organization of the charity fundraiser. (她主动提出帮忙组织慈善筹款活动。)
19. They are always willing to helpout their friends in times of need. (在需要的时候,他们总是愿意帮助朋友。)
20. The local church provides helpout services for those experiencing financial difficulties. (当地教堂为那些遇到经济困难的人提供帮助服务。)