中英词典 - feast
1. feast
英文释义:characterized by sumptuous abundance and lavishness
- We enjoyed a feast meal with all our favorite dishes. (我们享受了一顿拥有我们所有喜爱菜肴的盛宴。)
- The wedding reception was a feast affair with extravagant decorations and gourmet food. (婚宴是一个装饰华丽、美食丰盛的盛宴。)
1. feast
英文释义:a large meal, typically a celebratory one
- The king hosted a feast to honor the visiting dignitaries. (国王举办了一场盛宴来向来访的贵宾表示敬意。)
- We gathered together for a feast on Thanksgiving Day. (感恩节那天我们聚在一起共进盛宴。)
2. feast
英文释义:an elaborate or luxurious meal or entertainment
- The cruise ship offered a feast of entertainment options, including live shows and casinos. (邮轮提供了丰富的娱乐选择,包括现场表演和赌场。)
- The festival was a feast of music, dance, and cultural activities. (这个节日是一场音乐、舞蹈和文化活动的盛宴。)
1. feast day - 盛宴日;节日
2. feast your eyes - 尽情欣赏;饱览
3. feast of flavors - 美味盛宴
celebration, gala, festivity
famine, scarcity, deprivation
1. If you describe something as a feast, you mean that it gives you great pleasure.
- The book is a feast of visual imagery. (这本书是一场视觉形象的盛宴。)
- Her debut novel is a feast for the senses. (她的处女作小说令人耳目一新。)
1. A feast is a large and special meal.
- We sat down to a delicious feast. (我们享用美味的盛宴。)
- The family gathered for a festive feast. (家人聚集在一起共享节日盛宴。)
1. A feast is a large or special meal.
- We enjoyed a sumptuous feast at the fancy restaurant. (我们在高级餐厅享受了一顿丰盛的盛宴。)
- The wedding reception was a feast affair with gourmet delicacies. (婚宴是一个提供美食佳肴的盛大场合。)
1. A feast is a day or time of religious or other celebration, when people eat and drink a lot.
- Christmas Day is a feast for Christians around the world. (圣诞节是全球基督徒的盛宴。)
- They celebrated the victory with a grand feast. (他们举行了一场盛大的盛宴来庆祝胜利。)
1. They feasted on a variety of delicious dishes at the banquet.
2. The festival provided a feast of entertainment options for visitors.
3. After a successful year, the company treated its employees to a feast as a gesture of appreciation.
- They gathered around the table, ready to feast on the Thanksgiving turkey. (他们聚集在餐桌旁,准备享用感恩节的火鸡。)
- The annual food festival offers a feast for food lovers with its wide range of culinary delights. (这个年度美食节通过丰富多样的烹饪美食为美食爱好者带来了一场盛宴。)
- The king invited the neighboring rulers to a feast in his palace. (国王邀请邻国的统治者前往他的宫殿参加盛宴。)
- She prepared a feast of appetizers for her guests to enjoy before the main course. (她为客人准备了一道道开胃菜,在主菜之前享用。)
- The music festival promises to be a feast for the ears, featuring various genres of live performances. (这个音乐节将是一场耳目一新的盛宴,包括各种类型的现场表演。)
- The annual charity gala is a feast of glamour and generosity, raising funds for a good cause. (每年一次的慈善晚会是一场充满魅力和慷慨的盛宴,为善事筹集资金。)
- The children's birthday party turned into a feast of laughter and games. (孩子们的生日派对变成了一场欢笑和游戏的盛宴。)
- They celebrated their anniversary with a romantic feast at a candlelit restaurant. (他们在一家烛光晚餐的餐厅举行了浪漫的盛宴,庆祝他们的纪念日。)
- The village organized a feast to welcome the new year, with traditional dancing and feasting. (村庄组织了一场欢迎新年的盛宴,有传统舞蹈和宴会。)
- The chef prepared a feast of flavors, combining different spices and ingredients. (厨师准备了一场味觉盛宴,将不同的香料和食材结合在一起。)
- The royal banquet was a feast fit for a king, with extravagant decorations and a wide variety of gourmet dishes. (皇家宴会是一场适合国王的盛宴,装饰奢华,各种美食应有尽有。)
- They sat down to a feast of traditional dishes, savoring each bite with delight. (他们坐下来享用传统菜肴的盛宴,愉快地品味每一口。)
- The summer festival offered a feast of cultural activities, including music performances, art exhibitions, and dance workshops. (夏季节日提供了一场文化活动的盛宴,包括音乐表演、艺术展览和舞蹈研讨会。)
- The grand opening celebration was a feast of colors, with vibrant decorations and fireworks lighting up the night sky. (盛大的开幕庆典是一场色彩盛宴,充满活力的装饰品和烟花点亮了夜空。)
- They organized a feast of music and dance to commemorate the anniversary of their founding. (他们组织了一场音乐和舞蹈的盛宴,以纪念他们成立的周年纪念。)
- The medieval feast recreated the ambiance of a bygone era, with guests dressed in period costumes and enjoying traditional delicacies. (中世纪盛宴再现了过去时代的氛围,客人们穿着时代装扮,享受传统美味。)
- They sat around the campfire, feasting on roasted marshmallows and sharing stories late into the night. (他们围坐在篝火旁,享用烤棉花糖,并在深夜分享故事。)
- The culinary competition showcased a feast of culinary skills, with chefs from around the world competing for the top prize. (烹饪比赛展示了一场烹饪技巧的盛宴,来自世界各地的厨师争夺最高奖项。)
- The farewell party was a feast of emotions, as friends bid each other goodbye and reminisced about their shared experiences. (告别派对是一场情感的盛宴,朋友们互相道别,回忆起他们共同的经历。)