publish [pʌblɪʃ] (publishes, publishing, published)
1. 出版;发行
2. 公布;公开
3. 发表(文章、书籍等)
1. published(已出版的)
2. publishing(出版业的)
1. publisher(出版商)
2. publication(出版物)
1. publish vs. print:publish指的是将书籍、文章等公开发表或出版,而print指的是印刷、印发。
2. publish vs. announce:publish强调通过出版物或其他媒体将信息公布,announce则强调通过任何渠道或方式广而告之。
3. publish vs. release:publish指的是将书籍、文章等正式出版或发行,release则可以用于更广泛的场合,包括电影、音乐等的发布。
1. self-publishing 自助出版
2. publishable 可出版的
3. republish 再版;再出版
1. issue(发行)
2. print(印刷)
3. circulate(传播)
1. suppress(镇压)
2. withhold(隐瞒)
3. hide(隐藏)
publish (pʌblɪʃ)
1. If a company publishes a book or magazine, it prints copies of it and makes it available to the public.
2. If you publish a story or piece of news, you make it known to the public by having it printed in a newspaper or broadcast on television.
3. If a writer publishes a book or an article, they arrange for it to be printed and made available to the public.
publish (pʌblɪʃ)
1. Prepare and issue (a book, journal, etc.) for public sale.
2. Print (something) in a book or journal so as to make it available to the public.
3. Make (information) available to the public by print, broadcast, or online.
- They publish a monthly magazine on environmental issues. 他们出版一本关于环境问题的月刊。
- The newspaper published an article about the upcoming elections. 这家报纸刊登了一篇有关即将到来的选举的文章。
- The author plans to publish his new novel next year. 作者计划明年出版他的新小说。
- I enjoy reading published works of famous authors. 我喜欢阅读著名作家的已出版作品。
- The publishing industry has seen significant changes with the rise of e-books. 随着电子书的兴起,出版业发生了重大变化。
- The publisher is known for discovering new talent. 这家出版商以发现新人才而闻名。
- The author's latest publication has received rave reviews. 作者最新的出版物获得了好评。
7. The company plans to publish a series of educational books for children. 公司计划出版一系列儿童教育书籍。
8. The newspaper decided to publish the controversial article despite objections. 报纸决定尽管有异议,仍然刊登这篇有争议的文章。
9. She hopes to publish her research findings in a reputable journal. 她希望把她的研究成果发表在一本有声望的期刊上。
10. The author has been trying to find a publisher for his manuscript. 这个作者一直在努力找到愿意出版他手稿的出版商。
11. The publication of the book was delayed due to printing issues. 由于印刷问题,这本书的出版被推迟了。
12. The publishing company specializes in science fiction novels. 这家出版公司专门出版科幻小说。
13. The government publishes an annual report on the state of the economy. 政府每年发布一份关于经济状况的年度报告。
14. The magazine published an exclusive interview with the famous actor. 这本杂志刊登了对这位著名演员的独家采访。
15. The author was thrilled when his book was published and received positive reviews. 当这本书出版并获得好评时,作者非常激动。
16. The publishing industry has faced challenges with the rise of online content. 随着在线内容的兴起,出版业面临着挑战。
17. The publisher is known for promoting diverse voices and perspectives in literature. 这家出版商以在文学中推广不同的声音和观点而闻名。
18. The publication of her memoirs brought her widespread acclaim. 她的回忆录的出版使她广受赞誉。
19. The author has been publishing short stories in literary magazines for many years. 这位作家多年来一直在文学杂志上发表短篇小说。
20. The newspaper decided not to publish the sensitive information to avoid controversy. 为了避免争议,报纸决定不刊登敏感信息。