lengthen [ˈlɛŋθ(ə)n]
lengthened [ˈlɛŋθ(ə)nd]
lengthening [ˈlɛŋθ(ə)nɪŋ]
lengthen 和 extend 是近义词,都表示“使变长”或“延长”。但 extend 更强调达到或伸展到一定的范围或长度,而 lengthen 更强调增加或延长原有的长度。
lengthy [ˈlɛŋθi] 形容词
lengthiness [ˈlɛŋθinəs] 名词
elongate [ˈiːlɔŋɡeɪt] 动词
prolong [prəˈlɔŋ] 动词
shorten [ˈʃɔːrt(ə)n] 动词
lengthen (lɛŋθən) 动词
lengthen (lɛŋθ(ə)n) 动词
lengthen 可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。
lengthen something:使某物变长
lengthen (out):变长;延长
- The company plans to lengthen the workday in order to increase productivity. (这家公司计划延长工作日以提高生产力。)
- We need to lengthen the runway to accommodate larger aircraft. (我们需要延长跑道以容纳更大型的飞机。)
- She lengthened her stride to keep up with the faster runners. (她加快了步伐以跟上跑得更快的人。)
- The road lengthens as we continue driving. (随着我们继续驾驶,路变得越来越长。)
- They decided to lengthen the deadline for submitting the project. (他们决定延长提交项目的截止日期。)
- The tailor lengthened the pants to fit the customer's height. (裁缝把裤子加长以适应顾客的身高。)
- She used hair extensions to lengthen her hair. (她用发延来增长头发的长度。)
- The lengthened period of daylight is a sign of approaching summer. (延长的白天时间是夏天临近的一个征兆。)
- Can you lengthen the strap on this bag? It's too short for me. (你能把这个包的带子加长吗?对我来说太短了。)
- The lengthening of the school day has been met with mixed reactions from students. (学校日子的延长在学生中引起了不同的反应。)
- The lengthening of the project's timeline caused frustration among the team members. (项目时间表的延长引起了团队成员的沮丧。)
- As the days lengthen, we can enjoy more sunlight. (随着日子的延长,我们可以享受更多的阳光。)
- They decided to lengthen their vacation by a few days. (他们决定将假期延长几天。)
- The teacher asked the students to lengthen their essays by adding more details. (老师要求学生通过添加更多细节来扩展他们的论文。)
- She lengthened the dress to make it more formal for the event. (她把裙子加长了,使其在活动中更加正式。)
- The lengthening shadows indicated that the sun was setting. (延长的影子表明太阳正在落山。)
- The government implemented measures to lengthen the lifespan of its citizens. (政府采取措施延长公民的寿命。)
- They decided to lengthen the school year to improve educational outcomes. (他们决定延长学年以提高教育成果。)
- The lengthened version of the film includes additional scenes not shown in theaters. (这部电影的加长版包含了电影院未播放的额外场景。)
- The bridge was lengthened to accommodate the increased traffic. (为了适应增加的交通量,桥梁被加长了。)
- She used a ladder to lengthen her reach and grab the book from the top shelf. (她用梯子延长了自己的手臂,从顶层货架上取下书。)