1. 混乱的,困惑的
2. 难懂的,费解的
3. 弄糊涂的,弄糊塗的
4. 复杂的,错综复杂的
1. 混乱,困惑
2. 混淆,模糊
3. 航向混淆,定位困惑
4. 困惑者,迷惑者
confuse, puzzle, bewilder, baffle:
1. confusedly (adv.):困惑地,混乱地
2. confusion (n.):困惑,混乱
3. confusing (adj.):令人困惑的,令人糊涂的
4. confused (adj.):困惑的,糊涂的
5. confusingly (adv.):令人困惑地,令人糊涂地
1. baffle:困惑,阻挠
2. perplex:使困惑,使迷惑
3. flummox:使困惑,使迷惑
4. bewilder:使困惑,使迷惑
5. confound:使困惑,使混淆
1. clarify:阐明,澄清
2. enlighten:启发,教导
3. explain:解释,说明
4. understand:理解,了解
5. clear up:弄清楚,解决
confuse (v.)
1. If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
2. If you confuse someone, you make them feel surprised or uncertain, often by making something difficult to understand or by deliberately making difficulties for them.
3. If you confuse someone or something with someone or something else, you mix them up and think that they are the other person or thing.
4. If you confuse two people, you think that they are the same person.
5. If you confuse a problem, issue, or subject, you make it difficult to understand or separate from other problems, issues, or subjects.
confuse (v.)
1. Cause someone to become bewildered or perplexed.
2. Mistake one person or thing for another.
3. Make (something) more complex or less easy to understand.
4. Mix up (someone's mind or ideas) so that they do not know what to think.
1. confuse with:把...和...混淆
2. confuse for:把...误认为...
3. be/get confused about:对...感到困惑
4. be/get confused with:与...混淆
1. The twins often confuse their teacher with their identical appearance. (这对双胞胎经常因为他们相同的外表把老师弄混。)
2. The complicated instructions confused me, so I couldn't assemble the furniture properly. (复杂的说明让我困惑,所以我没能正确地组装家具。)
3. Don't confuse the two issues; they are completely different. (不要把这两个问题混淆在一起,它们完全不同。)
4. The teacher's explanation only confused the students further. (老师的解释只是让学生们更加困惑。)
5. The actress deliberately confused the audience by switching characters without warning. (女演员故意在没有警告的情况下切换角色,让观众感到困惑。)
6. I often get confused about which train to take because there are so many options. (由于有很多选择,我经常对该乘坐哪趟火车感到困惑。)
7. The witness's testimony confused the jury, leaving them unsure of the defendant's guilt. (证人的证词让陪审团感到困惑,使他们对被告的罪行产生了疑问。)
8. The politician's contradictory statements only served to confuse the public. (政治家矛盾的言论只会让公众更加困惑。)
9. The complex plot of the movie confused many viewers, who struggled to understand what was happening. (电影复杂的情节让许多观众感到困惑,他们很难理解发生了什么。)
10. The new medicine's name is easily confused with another medication, causing potential dangers. (这种新药的名字很容易与另一种药物混淆,可能会带来潜在的危险。)
11. The sudden change in weather confused the birds' migration patterns. (天气的突然变化打乱了鸟类的迁徙模式。)
12. The young child was confused by the complex math problem and couldn't solve it. (这个小孩对这个复杂的数学问题感到困惑,无法解决。)
13. The detective's misleading clues confused the investigation and delayed finding the culprit. (侦探误导人的线索让调查工作陷入困境,推迟了找到罪犯的时间。)
14. His sarcastic comments often confuse people, as they can't tell if he's joking or being serious. (他的讽刺性评论经常让人困惑,因为他们无法分辨他是在开玩笑还是认真的。)
15. The instructions were so poorly written that they only served to confuse the readers further. (这些说明写得很糟糕,只会让读者更加困惑。)
16. The foreign language's unfamiliar grammar and vocabulary confused the students. (这门外语陌生的语法和词汇让学生们感到困惑。)
17. The politician tried to confuse the issue by bringing up unrelated topics during the debate. (政治家试图通过在辩论中提及无关话题来混淆问题。)
18. The identical twins often confuse their friends and family members. (这对同卵双胞胎经常让他们的朋友和家人感到困惑。)
19. The bright lights and loud music in the club can sometimes confuse your senses. (俱乐部里明亮的灯光和响亮的音乐有时会让你的感官感到困惑。)
20. The professor's lecture was so confusing that most of the students left the classroom feeling lost. (教授的讲座非常令人困惑,大多数学生离开教室时感到迷茫。)