choral [ˈkɔːrəl]:合唱的,合唱队的
choral [ˈkɔːrəl]:合唱团的,合唱队的
choral [ˈkɔːrəl]:合唱的,合唱队的
choral [ˈkɔːrəl]:合唱的,合唱团的
choral [ˈkɔːrəl]:合唱队的,合唱团的
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:合唱,合唱队
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:副歌,合唱部分
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:观众,听众
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:合唱舞蹈
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:众神,合唱团
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]:(戏剧中的)合唱
1. chorus和choir都可表示"合唱团",但choir更常用于指教堂合唱团,而chorus更常用于指剧院或歌剧院的合唱团。
2. chorus还可指"合唱部分",而choir则没有这个意义。
chorus line:合唱队排列,合唱行
chorus master:指挥,合唱指导
chorus girl:合唱女声,合唱女演员
in chorus:齐声地,异口同声地
join the chorus:附和,合唱
choir [ˈkwaɪər]:合唱团,唱诗班
ensemble [ɑːnˈsɑːmbəl]:合唱团,合奏团
choir [ˈkwaɪər]:唱诗班,合唱团
ensemble [ɑːnˈsɑːmbəl]:合奏团,合唱团
solo [ˈsoʊloʊ]:独唱,独唱曲
unison [ˈjuːnɪsən]:齐声,齐唱
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs] (n.)
1. (in a song) the part that is repeated after each verse, usually with the same words and tune(歌曲的)副歌
2. a large group of singers, especially one that performs together with an orchestra or opera company(尤指与管弦乐队或歌剧院合作的)合唱队,合唱团
3. a group of people or animals who make a loud noise together(一起发出响亮声音的)一群人(或动物)
chorus [ˈkɔːrəs] (n.)
1. (in ancient Greek drama) a group of performers who comment on the main action, typically speaking and moving together(古希腊戏剧的)合唱团
2. a part of a song which is repeated after each verse(歌曲的)副歌
3. a large organized group of singers, especially one that performs with an orchestra or opera company(尤指与管弦乐队或歌剧院合作的)合唱团
4. a simultaneous utterance of something by many people(众人的)齐声喊出,齐声说
1. The audience joined in the chorus.(听众加入到了合唱中。)
2. The chorus performed beautifully.(合唱团的演出很精彩。)
3. The song has a catchy chorus.(这首歌有一个很容易上口的副歌。)
The whole audience joined in the chorus of the song.(全体观众加入到了这首歌的合唱部分。)
She sang the verses while the choir sang the chorus.(她唱了几句词,合唱团则唱了副歌。)
The chorus of the song is very catchy and easy to remember.(这首歌的副歌非常容易上口,容易记住。)
The chorus performed at the concert last night.(合唱团昨晚在音乐会上表演了。)
He joined the chorus and sang his heart out.(他加入了合唱团,并用心灵诠释歌曲。)
The chorus line danced in perfect sync.(合唱队排列整齐地跳舞。)
The audience sang the chorus in unison.(观众异口同声地唱起了副歌。)
She was selected as a chorus girl in the musical.(她被选为音乐剧中的合唱女演员。)
They all shouted in chorus.(他们异口同声地喊叫起来。)
The chorus of birdsong filled the air.(鸟鸣的合唱声充满了空气。)
The chorus of disapproval grew louder.(不满的声音越来越大。)
The children sang the chorus with enthusiasm.(孩子们热情地唱起了合唱部分。)
The chorus sang in perfect harmony.(合唱团和谐地唱着。)
He joined the chorus to support his friends.(他加入了合唱团,以支持他的朋友们。)
The chorus of cheers filled the stadium.(欢呼声在体育场上空响彻。)
She learned the chorus in just a few minutes.(她在短短几分钟内就学会了副歌。)
The chorus repeated the same lines throughout the song.(整首歌中合唱团一直重复着同样的歌词。)
The chorus added a powerful element to the performance.(合唱部分给演出增添了强大的元素。)
The chorus of voices echoed through the hall.(众多声音的合唱在大厅中回荡。)
The chorus of laughter filled the room.(笑声的合唱充满了房间。)
They sang the chorus with great enthusiasm.(他们热情洋溢地唱起了合唱部分。)
The chorus of protests grew louder and louder.(抗议声越来越响亮。)
The chorus of voices sang in perfect harmony.(众多声音和谐地唱着。)