cruelty [noun]: the quality or action of being cruel; behavior that causes physical or mental harm to others, especially to animals or people who are weaker or vulnerable.
cruelty [uncountable noun]: unkind, harsh, or brutal treatment towards others.
cruelty [countable noun]: a specific act or instance of being cruel.
cruel [adjective]: willfully causing pain or suffering to others; showing no mercy or compassion.
cruelty 和 cruel 都表示残忍、残酷的意思,但是 cruelty 是名词,而 cruel 是形容词。 cruelty 强调行为或行为的性质,而 cruel 描述人或行为者的特点。
相关词汇:sadism [虐待狂]、inhumanity [不人道]、barbarity [野蛮行为]、savage [野蛮的]、brutality [残酷]、harshness [严酷]、atrocity [暴行]、unfeelingness [冷酷无情]、mercilessness [无情]
cruelty: brutality, sadism, inhumanity, harshness, savagery
cruel: brutal, mean, heartless, unkind, ruthless
cruelty: kindness, compassion, mercy
cruel: kind, compassionate, merciful
cruelty (noun): Cruelty is cruel and brutal treatment or behavior. [FORMAL]
cruel (adjective): Someone who is cruel deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals. [DISAPPROVAL]
cruelty (noun): Cruel behavior or attitudes. [MASS NOUN]
cruel (adjective): Willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it. [DISAPPROVING]
cruelty and cruel 用法示例:
- She was charged with cruelty to animals. (她因虐待动物被控告。)
- The cruelty of his words shocked everyone. (他的话语之残酷让每个人都感到震惊。)
- He showed no remorse for his cruel actions. (他对自己的残忍行为毫不懊悔。)
- The cruel treatment of prisoners was widely condemned. (对囚犯的残酷对待遭到了广泛谴责。)
- He was found guilty of cruelty to animals and sentenced to two years in prison. (他因虐待动物被判有罪,被判处两年监禁。)
- She couldn't bear the cruelty of the bullfight and had to leave. (她无法忍受斗牛的残忍,只好离开。)
- The cruel dictator ruled his country with an iron fist. (残暴的独裁者以铁腕统治着他的国家。)
- Witnessing the cruel treatment of the prisoners, she felt a surge of anger. (目睹着囚犯的残酷对待,她感到一阵愤怒涌上心头。)
- The documentary exposed the cruelty of factory farming practices. (这部纪录片揭示了工厂养殖业的残酷行径。)
- His cruel behavior towards his classmates made him unpopular. (他对同学们的残忍行为使他不受欢迎。)
- The cruel reality of war was depicted in the novel. (这本小说描绘了战争的残酷现实。)
- Animal rights activists are fighting against cruelty in the fur industry. (动物权利活动家正在与皮草业的残忍行为作斗争。)
- She couldn't understand how anyone could be so cruel to their own child. (她无法理解为什么有人会对自己的孩子如此残忍。)
- The cruel treatment of prisoners was a violation of their human rights. (对囚犯的残酷对待是对他们人权的侵犯。)
- The cruelty of the dictator's regime was exposed by the international media. (国际媒体揭露了这个独裁者政权的残酷。)
- How can you be so cruel as to abandon your loyal dog? (你怎么能如此残忍地抛弃你忠诚的狗呢?)
- The cruel treatment of prisoners sparked outrage among human rights organizations. (对囚犯的残酷对待引发了人权组织的愤怒。)
- She was known for her cruelty towards her subordinates. (她因对下属的残酷而闻名。)
- The cruel dictator ruled with an iron fist, suppressing any opposition. (残暴的独裁者以铁腕统治,镇压任何反抗。)
- The cruelty of war was evident in the devastated cities. (战争的残酷在那些被摧毁的城市中显而易见。)
- She couldn't bear to witness the cruelty inflicted on the innocent animals. (她无法忍受目睹那些无辜动物所受的残酷。)
- The cruel treatment of prisoners violated international human rights standards. (对囚犯的残酷对待违反了国际人权标准。)
- His cruel words wounded her deeply. (他的残酷话语深深伤害了她。)
- The cruelty of the bullying she endured at school affected her self-esteem. (她在学校遭受的欺凌的残酷影响了她的自尊心。)