1. 善意的行为;恩惠- He did me a favor by lending me his car.
- 他借给了我他的车,真是帮了我一个忙。
- The proposal received overwhelming public favor.
- 这一提议得到了公众的大力支持。
- She is in favor with her boss.
- 她得到了老板的青睐。
- I am in favor of this plan.
- 我赞成这个计划。
- He did it for his own favor.
- 他这样做是为了自己的利益。
1. 支持;赞成- I favor the idea of investing in renewable energy.
- 我支持在可再生能源上投资的想法。
- She favors classical music over pop music.
- 她更喜欢古典音乐而不是流行音乐。
1. 有利的;合适的- The weather is favorable for outdoor activities.
- 天气适合户外活动。
- She gave a favorable response to the proposal.
- 她对这个提议给予了支持的回应。
favor, kindness, benevolence
- favor:指对他人的善意行为或支持。
- kindness:指对他人的仁慈或友好行为。
- benevolence:指对他人的善意或慈善行为。
favorable (形容词):有利的;赞同的;讨人喜欢的
favorably (副词):有利地;讨人喜欢地
favorite (名词):最喜欢的人(或物)
bias, preference, partiality
disfavor, disapprove, oppose
favor (名词):1. 支持;拥护 2. 好感;喜爱 3. 善意的行为;恩惠 4. 赞成;同意
favor (动词):1. 支持;赞成 2. 偏爱;喜欢 3. 宠爱
favor (名词):1. 好感 2. 好处;利益 3. 善意的行为;恩惠 4. 支持;拥护 5. 赞成;同意 6. 偏袒
favor (动词):1. 支持;赞成 2. 偏袒;喜爱
1. do someone a favor:帮某人一个忙
2. be in favor of:支持;赞成
3. in favor with:得到...的青睐
4. return the favor:回报恩惠
5. show favoritism:偏袒
- Could you do me a favor and pick up some groceries on your way home? (你能帮我个忙,在回家的路上买些杂货吗?)
- She asked for a favor, but I couldn't grant it. (她请求一个恩惠,但我无法满足。)
- His parents always show favoritism towards his younger sister. (他的父母总是偏袒他的妹妹。)
- He did me a great favor by recommending me for the job. (他推荐我去做这份工作,对我帮助很大。)
- I am in favor of stricter regulations on pollution. (我赞成对污染进行更严格的监管。)
- The proposal received overwhelming favor from the public. (该提案得到了公众的极大支持。)
- She returned the favor by helping him with his project. (她回报了他的恩惠,帮助他完成了项目。)
- The weather forecast is favorable for our outdoor event. (天气预报对我们的户外活动有利。)
- He always shows kindness and favors the underprivileged. (他总是表现出善意,偏爱弱势群体。)
- He is the favorite candidate for the position. (他是这个职位的首选候选人。)
- She is in favor with the hiring manager due to her excellent qualifications. (由于她的优秀资历,她得到了招聘经理的青睐。)
- They have a strong bias in favor of traditional values. (他们对传统价值观有很强的偏见。)
- My parents disapprove of my decision to quit my job. (我的父母不赞成我辞职的决定。)
- The majority of the board opposed the new policy. (董事会的大多数人反对这项新政策。)
- He favors classical literature over contemporary novels. (他更喜欢古典文学而不是当代小说。)
- She is known for her benevolence and generosity. (她以善意和慷慨而闻名。)
- The company's decision to invest in renewable energy is favorable to the environment. (公司投资可再生能源的决定对环境有利。)
- Despite the initial disfavor, the team managed to win the match. (尽管起初不受青睐,但这支队伍设法赢得了比赛。)
- The politician gained popularity by promising to work in favor of the middle class. (这位政治家承诺支持中产阶级,赢得了人们的支持。)
- She showed great kindness by helping the elderly woman carry her groceries. (她帮助那位老妇人拎杂货,表现出极大的善意。)
- The team's victory was a result of their hard work and favorable circumstances. (球队的胜利是他们辛勤工作和有利条件的结果。)