1. fraction - 英 [ˈfrækʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˈfrækʃən] - 少量的;微小的 - 例句: - She only had a fraction of the money required for the trip.(她只有出行所需金额的一小部分。) - His comment was a fraction too harsh.(他的评论稍微有点过分。)名词
1. fraction - 英 [ˈfrækʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˈfrækʃən] - 一小部分;一点儿 - 例句: - Only a fraction of the population voted in the election.(只有一小部分人口参加了选举。) - She managed to save a fraction of her salary every month.(她每个月设法存下一部分工资。) 2. fraction - 英 [ˈfrækʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˈfrækʃən] - 分数 - 例句: - Can you simplify this fraction for me?(你能帮我简化这个分数吗?) - What is the decimal equivalent of this fraction?(这个分数的十进制表示是多少?) 3. fraction - 英 [ˈfrækʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˈfrækʃən] - 部分,派系 - 例句: - The party was divided into several fractions.(该党派分裂成几个派系。) - The teacher encouraged students to work in fractions.(老师鼓励学生以小组形式合作。)词语辨析
- fraction 和fragment 都表示“部分”,但fraction侧重于表示“小部分”或“一点儿”,而fragment侧重于表示“碎片”或“断片”。词汇扩充
- 分数(fraction) - 分子(numerator) - 分母(denominator) - 真分数(proper fraction) - 假分数(improper fraction) - 带分数(mixed number)近义词
- part - portion - piece - bit - segment反义词
- whole - entirety - total柯林斯词典
fraction - 名词 - 一小部分;一点儿 - 分数 - 部分,派系 - 形容词 - 少量的;微小的牛津词典
fraction - 名词 - 一小部分;一点儿 - 分数 - 部分,派系 - 形容词 - 少量的;微小的用法
- fraction作为名词时,常用于表示“一小部分”或“一点儿”的含义,也可用于表示“分数”的含义。 - fraction作为形容词时,表示“少量的”或“微小的”。例句
- Only a fraction of the students passed the exam.(只有一小部分学生通过了考试。)
- The recipe calls for a fraction of a cup of sugar.(这个食谱需要用到少量的糖。)
- She received only a fraction of the total prize money.(她只得到了总奖金的一小部分。)
- Can you simplify this fraction for me?(你能帮我简化这个分数吗?)
- The fraction 3/4 can be written as 0.75 in decimal form.(分数3/4可以用小数形式表示为0.75。)
- The party was divided into several fractions.(该党派分裂成几个派系。)
- This group represents a fraction of the total population.(这个团体代表了总人口的一部分。)
- His comment was a fraction too harsh.(他的评论稍微有点过分。)
- She only had a fraction of the money required for the trip.(她只有出行所需金额的一小部分。)
- The teacher encouraged students to work in fractions.(老师鼓励学生以小组形式合作。)
- Part of the cake is missing; only a fraction remains.(蛋糕的一部分不见了,只剩下一点儿了。)
- He managed to save a fraction of his salary each month.(他每个月设法存下一部分工资。)
- I can only spare a fraction of my time to help you.(我只能抽出一点儿时间来帮助你。)
- The team won by a fraction of a second.(这个团队以零点几秒的微弱优势获胜。)
- In this fraction, the numerator is larger than the denominator.(在这个分数中,分子大于分母。)
- She is struggling to understand the concept of fractions.(她正在努力理解分数的概念。)
- Only a fraction of the audience remained until the end of the performance.(只有一小部分观众一直坚持到演出结束。)
- He divided the pie into equal fractions.(他将派切成了相等的部分。)
- The political party was split into different factions.(这个政党分裂成了不同的派系。)
- She drank only a fraction of the water in the glass.(她只喝了杯子里的一点儿水。)
- They managed to secure a fraction of the funding they needed.(他们设法获得了他们所需资金的一部分。)