1. 极端分子
- The government has been cracking down on extremists who pose a threat to national security. (政府一直在打击对国家安全构成威胁的极端分子。)
- He was known for his involvement with extremist groups. (他因参与极端组织而出名。)
- The police arrested several extremists after the violent protest. (警方在暴力抗议后逮捕了几名极端分子。)
1. 极端的;过激的
- The party condemned the extremist views expressed by one of its members. (该党谴责其一名成员表达的极端观点。)
- Her extremist beliefs made it difficult for her to find common ground with others. (她的极端信念使她很难与他人达成共识。)
- The government is taking measures to counter extremist ideologies. (政府正在采取措施来对抗极端主义思想。)
extremist, radical, fanatic
1. extremist:指持极端主义观点或采取激进行动的人。
2. radical:指在政治、社会或宗教方面持激进观点的人,强调对现有制度或观念的彻底变革。
3. fanatic:指对某种信仰、观点或活动极度狂热的人,常带有盲目和过度的贬义。
1. extremist group:极端组织
- The government has designated the organization as an extremist group. (政府将该组织列为极端组织。)
- He was arrested for his involvement with an extremist group. (他因参与极端组织而被逮捕。)
- The authorities are monitoring the activities of extremist groups. (当局正在监控极端组织的活动。)
2. extremist views:极端观点
- Her extremist views have caused controversy among her colleagues. (她的极端观点在同事间引起了争议。)
- Extremist views are not conducive to fostering dialogue and understanding. (极端观点不利于促进对话和理解。)
- He was expelled from the party due to his extremist views. (由于他的极端观点,他被开除出了党。)
radical, fanatic, zealot, militant
moderate, centrist
extremist (noun)
1. Someone who has extreme political or religious opinions, especially one who is willing to use, or advocate the use of, violence to achieve them.
2. Someone who has extreme opinions about a particular subject, for example, someone who thinks that a particular policy is good or bad and will not change their opinion.
extremist (adjective)
1. Advocating or supporting extreme measures or views.
2. Advocating or engaged in activities that are intended to go to the limits of what is allowed or acceptable, especially in politics.
extremist (noun)
1. A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action.
extremist (adjective)
1. Involving, typical of, or motivated by extreme views, especially in politics.
1. He was accused of being an extremist by his political opponents.
2. The extremist group was responsible for a series of bombings.
3. The government is taking measures to counter extremist ideologies.
4. She expressed her extremist views during the debate.
5. The police arrested several suspected extremists.
6. The party condemned the extremist views expressed by one of its members.
7. The government has labeled the organization as an extremist group.
8. The authorities are monitoring the activities of extremist groups.
9. He was known for his involvement with extremist groups.
10. The government has been cracking down on extremists who pose a threat to national security.