中英词典- clusters
形容词- Adjective
1. clustered
[形] 聚集的;群集的
名词- Noun
1. cluster
[名] 串;丛;群;簇
词义辨析- Different Meanings
词汇扩充- Vocabulary Extension
1. cluster together - 聚集在一起
2. cluster bomb - 集束炸弹
3. cluster headache - 群集性头痛
4. cluster analysis - 群集分析
5. cluster computing - 群集计算
近义词- Synonyms
group, bunch, collection, assemblage
反义词- Antonyms
disperse, scatter, separate, isolate
柯林斯词典- Collins Dictionary
Clusters are small groups of things that are close together.
牛津词典- Oxford Dictionary
A cluster is a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something.
用法- Usage
1. These houses are clustered together on the hillside.
2. She noticed a cluster of flowers in the corner of the garden.
3. The stars form a cluster in the night sky.
4. The company has a cluster of offices in the city center.
5. The students clustered around the teacher to ask questions.
例句- Example Sentences
- Clusters of birds were flying south for the winter. (鸟群正在南飞过冬。)
- He found a cluster of mushrooms in the forest. (他在森林里发现了一簇蘑菇。)
- Her necklace was made up of small diamond clusters. (她的项链是由小钻石簇组成的。)
- They planted clusters of roses in the garden. (他们在花园里种植了一丛丛的玫瑰。)
- The city has a cluster of skyscrapers in its downtown area. (这座城市的市中心有一簇摩天大楼。)
- He picked a cluster of grapes from the vine. (他从葡萄藤上摘了一串葡萄。)
- Clusters of people gathered around the accident scene. (一群群人聚集在事故现场周围。)
- The company has formed a cluster of partnerships with other businesses. (该公司与其他企业建立了一簇合作伙伴关系。)
- The town is known for its cluster of historical buildings. (这个小镇以其一簇历史建筑而闻名。)
- The children clustered together to share the candy. (孩子们聚集在一起分享糖果。)
- Clusters of silver stars shone brightly in the night sky. (夜空中闪耀着一簇簇银色星星。)
- There is a cluster of restaurants on that street. (那条街上有一簇餐馆。)
- The flowers formed a beautiful cluster in the garden. (花朵在花园里形成了一簇美丽的景象。)
- She noticed a cluster of seashells on the beach. (她在海滩上注意到一簇贝壳。)
- The cluster of trees provided shade from the scorching sun. (树丛为人们提供了躲避炎热阳光的阴凉之处。)
- Clusters of grapes hung from the vine. (一串串葡萄挂在葡萄藤上。)
- The cluster of stars twinkled in the night sky. (夜空中闪烁着一簇星星。)
- She wore a cluster of pearls around her neck. (她脖子上戴着一串珍珠。)
- The town has a cluster of historic buildings that attract tourists. (这个小镇有一簇历史建筑,吸引游客。)
- A cluster of students gathered near the entrance. (一群学生聚集在入口附近。)
- They discovered a cluster of caves hidden in the mountains. (他们发现了一簇隐藏在山中的洞穴。)