中英词典 - doping
- 形容词:doping表示使用禁药或违规手段进行体育比赛或竞争。
- 名词:doping表示使用禁药或违规手段进行体育比赛或竞争的行为。
1. anti-doping:反兴奋剂(用于指反对使用禁药的)
2. drug test:药检
3. performance-enhancing drugs:提高竞技表现的药物
4. blood doping:血液兴奋剂
5. urine sample:尿样
cheating, illegal drug use, substance abuse
fair play, clean competition
doping (noun): The use of drugs to improve someone's performance in a sport
doping (noun): The use of drugs to improve athletic performance
1. The athlete was banned from the sport due to doping allegations.
2. The anti-doping agency conducts regular drug tests to ensure fair competition.
3. Blood doping is a serious violation of the rules in many sports.
- 他因为涉嫌使用禁药而被禁止参加比赛。
- He was banned from the competition due to doping allegations.
- 国际反兴奋剂机构定期进行药检,以确保公平竞争。
- The international anti-doping agency conducts regular drug tests to ensure fair competition.
- 许多体育项目都严禁使用血液兴奋剂。
- Many sports disciplines strictly prohibit the use of blood doping.
- 他在比赛中使用了违禁药物,这是对公平竞争的严重违规。
- His use of banned substances during the competition was a serious violation of fair play.
- 她被指控参与了大规模的兴奋剂使用。
- She was accused of involvement in a large-scale doping scheme.
- 运动员们需要提供尿样进行药检。
- Athletes are required to provide urine samples for drug testing.
- 他因为涉嫌服用禁药而被剥夺了金牌。
- He was stripped of his gold medal after allegations of doping.
- 兴奋剂使用对健康有严重的副作用。
- Doping has serious health risks and side effects.
- 为了公平竞争,我们必须坚决反对兴奋剂使用。
- We must strongly oppose the use of performance-enhancing drugs for fair competition.
- 他们一直在努力寻找新的兴奋剂检测方法。
- They have been actively searching for new methods of doping detection.
- 反兴奋剂机构致力于维护体育的公平性。
- The anti-doping agency is committed to upholding fairness in sports.
- 运动员们必须遵守严格的反兴奋剂规定。
- Athletes must adhere to strict anti-doping regulations.
- 他的药检结果显示他没有使用任何禁药。
- His drug test results showed no use of banned substances.
- 兴奋剂使用是对体育道德的背叛。
- Doping is a betrayal of sports ethics.
- 禁止兴奋剂使用旨在保护运动员的健康和公平竞争。
- The ban on doping aims to protect athletes' health and ensure fair competition.
- 他对兴奋剂使用问题持有强烈的反对态度。
- He strongly opposes the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
- 运动员在比赛前必须进行药检。
- Athletes must undergo drug testing before the competition.
- 他因为违规使用兴奋剂而被禁赛两年。
- He was suspended for two years for using performance-enhancing drugs.
- 奥运会对兴奋剂使用采取零容忍政策。
- The Olympics have a zero tolerance policy towards doping.
- 他因为兴奋剂使用而失去了职业生涯的巅峰时刻。
- He lost the pinnacle of his career due to doping.