形容词 1. 被修改的;被修订的 - amended version: 修改版 - an amended contract: 修改后的合同 名词 1. 修改;修正 - The amendment of the law is necessary. (修改法律是必要的。) - propose an amendment: 提出修正案词语辨析
- amend:指对原有的文件、法律等进行修改或修订。 - revise:指对书籍、文章等进行校订或修改,以使其更准确、完善。 - alter:指对事物进行改变,使其在某种程度上不同于原来的状态。词汇扩充
- unamended:未经修改的 - amendment:修正案;改进 - amendable:可修改的;可修订的近义词
correct, modify, improve, rectify, adjust反义词
unchanged, unmodified, unaltered柯林斯词典
adjective 1. If a document or law is amended, it is changed, usually in order to improve it or make it more accurate. - The amended law will ensure that animals are bred and kept in ways that meet their physiological and behavioural needs. 2. If someone's behaviour is amended, it is improved or corrected in some way. - The report recommended that procedures be amended to prevent future accidents.牛津词典
adjective 1. Make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. - The rule was amended to apply only to non-members. 2. Improve or correct the faults in. - He is to amend his ways.用法
- The legislation should be amended to address these issues. (应对这些问题,应对这些问题,应修改法规。) - The committee amended the proposal before approving it. (委员会在批准之前对提案进行了修改。) - The contract was amended to include additional clauses. (合同已经修改,增加了额外的条款。) - The amended version of the report is now available for review. (修订版报告现已可供审阅。)例句
- The document needs to be amended to reflect the recent changes. (这份文件需要修改以反映最近的变化。)
- I have prepared an amended proposal for the project. (我已经为这个项目准备了一个修改后的提案。)
- The amended rules will come into effect next month. (修改后的规则将于下个月生效。)
- She amended her mistake by apologizing to him. (她通过向他道歉来纠正自己的错误。)
- The amended law provides more protection for consumers. (修改后的法律为消费者提供了更多保护。)
- We need to make some amendments to the contract before signing it. (在签署合同之前,我们需要对其进行一些修改。)
- He amended his previous statement during the trial. (在审判过程中,他修改了先前的陈述。)
- After careful review, the report was amended to include additional data. (经过仔细审查,报告被修改以包含额外的数据。)
- The amended version of the software fixed several bugs. (软件的修改版修复了几个错误。)
- They amended the terms of the agreement to better suit both parties. (他们修改了协议条款,以更好地适应双方。)
- The committee proposed an amendment to the bylaws. (委员会提议对章程进行修正。)
- She amended her behavior and became more considerate. (她改正了自己的行为,变得更为体贴。)
- The amended plan was unanimously approved by the board. (修改后的计划得到了董事会的一致批准。)
- They amended the recipe by reducing the amount of sugar. (他们通过减少糖的用量来修改配方。)
- An amended edition of the book was released with updated information. (一本带有更新信息的修订版图书已经发布。)
- The legislation was amended to address concerns raised by the public. (为了解决公众提出的关切,立法进行了修改。)
- He apologized and amended his mistake. (他道歉并纠正了他的错误。)
- She made amendments to the design based on client feedback. (她根据客户的反馈对设计进行了修改。)
- We need to amend the contract to include additional provisions. (我们需要修改合同以包含额外的条款。)
- After the error was discovered, the report was amended accordingly. (在发现错误之后,报告被相应地修改。)