weapons - 武器
1. 武器;兵器
Weapons are objects or devices that are used with the intention of causing harm or damage to living beings, structures, or systems.
- He was carrying a concealed weapon.
- Modern weapons are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
- The military is equipped with a wide range of weapons.
2. 兵器;军火
Weapons refer to military equipment, such as guns, bombs, missiles, or other devices used in combat or warfare.
- The country is developing nuclear weapons.
- The terrorist organization is known to possess dangerous weapons.
- The soldiers were armed with deadly weapons.
1. 武器的;兵器的
Weapons is used as an adjective to describe something that is related to or used as a weapon.
- He is an expert in weapons design.
- The suspect was found guilty of weapon possession.
- Specialized training is required to handle weaponry effectively.
2. 敌对的;具攻击性的
Weapons can also be used to describe a person, group, or country that is hostile or aggressive.
- The two countries are engaged in a weapons-grade dispute.
- He has a weapon-like personality, always looking for confrontations.
- Her words were like weapons, cutting through the silence.
arms: Arms generally refers to weapons or firearms, especially those used by the military or in warfare.
ammunition: Ammunition refers to the bullets, shells, or other projectiles that can be fired from a weapon.
firearms: Firearms specifically refer to portable weapons that use explosive propellants to launch projectiles, such as guns.
armament, artillery, munitions, armory, sword, dagger, bow and arrow, missile, explosive, bomb, grenade, rifle, pistol
arms, armaments, weaponry, guns, firearms
peace, nonviolence, unarmed
weapons (noun)
1. an object or instrument used in fighting or hunting;
2. any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war.
weapons (noun)
1. a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage;
2. means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest.
1. They were arrested for carrying weapons.
2. The country is known to possess nuclear weapons.
3. The police are authorized to use deadly force if necessary.
4. The government is investing in new weaponry.
5. She used her words as weapons to protect herself.
6. The soldier was equipped with state-of-the-art firearms.
7. He was charged with illegal possession of ammunition.
8. The army is stockpiling munitions for the upcoming war.
9. The knight drew his sword and prepared for battle.
10. The terrorist attack was carried out with a powerful explosive.