形容词 (Adjective)
1. 模块化的 - modular - relating to or using modules or a module system 2. 独立的 - separate - existing or considered separately from other things名词 (Noun)
1. 模块 - module - a self-contained unit or item, especially one that can be combined or interchanged with others to create a larger system 2. 课程单元 - unit - a subject or course of study or a section of a course, typically lasting one academic term词语辨析 (Differentiation)
- module vs. component: 模块强调独立性和可替换性,而组件指一个更大的系统的一部分,不一定独立或可替换。词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
- modularity: 模块化 - modularize: 将...模块化 - modularization: 模块化近义词 (Synonyms)
- unit - section - part - component反义词 (Antonyms)
- whole - entirety - entirety柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
[形容词] 1. 模块化的 [名词] 1. 模块牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
[形容词] 1. 模块化的 [名词] 1. 模块用法 (Usage)
- The software is designed with a modular architecture. 这个软件采用了模块化的架构。 - Each module can be easily replaced or upgraded. 每个模块都可以很容易地被替换或升级。 - The course is divided into several modules for better organization. 为了更好的组织,该课程被划分为几个模块。 - I need to complete the final unit before the end of the semester. 我需要在学期结束前完成最后一个课程单元。 - The component is essential for the proper functioning of the machine. 这个组件对机器的正常运行至关重要。例句 (Examples)
- The new software system is highly modular, allowing for easy customization. (这个新软件系统非常模块化,可以轻松定制。)
- Each module of the car engine can be replaced independently. (汽车引擎的每个模块都可以独立更换。)
- The course is divided into different units, covering various aspects of the subject. (该课程被划分为不同的单元,涵盖了该主题的各个方面。)
- The component is responsible for controlling the temperature of the device. (这个组件负责控制设备的温度。)
- Our team is working on modularizing the software to improve its flexibility. (我们的团队正在将软件模块化,以提高其灵活性。)
- The modularity of the system allows for easy integration with other software. (系统的模块化使得与其他软件的集成变得容易。)
- The instructor provided a module on advanced mathematics for the students to study independently. (教师提供了一个关于高等数学的模块供学生独立学习。)
- Each component of the machine has been thoroughly tested for quality assurance. (机器的每个组件都经过了彻底的质量保证测试。)
- The module can be easily plugged into the existing system for additional functionality. (该模块可以轻松地插入现有系统以提供额外的功能。)
- The course consists of multiple units that build upon each other to provide a comprehensive understanding. (该课程由多个单元组成,相互补充以提供全面的理解。)
- The modularization process has improved the scalability of the software. (模块化过程改善了软件的可扩展性。)
- The students are required to complete a module on communication skills before advancing to the next level. (学生需要完成一个关于沟通技巧的课程模块,然后才能进入下一个阶段。)
- Each component of the device has a specific function and can be replaced individually if needed. (设备的每个组件都有特定的功能,如有需要可以单独更换。)
- The module provides an introduction to computer programming for beginners. (该模块为初学者提供了计算机编程的入门知识。)
- The component is responsible for processing and analyzing the data collected by the sensors. (这个组件负责处理和分析传感器收集的数据。)
- The modularity of the system allows for easy maintenance and upgrades. (系统的模块化使得维护和升级变得容易。)
- The unit focuses on problem-solving techniques and critical thinking skills. (该单元关注问题解决技巧和批判性思维能力。)
- The software development team is working on modularizing the codebase to improve collaboration. (软件开发团队正在将代码库模块化,以改善协作。)
- The module covers various topics related to environmental sustainability. (该模块涵盖了与环境可持续性相关的各种主题。)
- The component is essential for the overall performance of the machine. (这个组件对于机器的整体性能至关重要。)