- 中文:梭菌属
- 英文:clostridium
- 无相关信息
- 【微生物学】梭菌属:一类革兰氏阳性厌氧菌,可以在土壤、肠道和动物体内找到。它们包括一些致病菌,如产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)和产肉毒杆菌(Clostridium botulinum)的菌株。
- 【药物学】梭菌属:一类产生孢子的细菌,有些菌株可以产生毒素,引起食物中毒。
- clostridium:梭菌属
- streptococcus:链球菌属
- staphylococcus:葡萄球菌属
- bacillus:杆菌属
- clostridial:梭菌的
- clostridiosis:梭菌病
- clostridial infection:梭菌感染
- clostridial toxin:梭菌毒素
- clostridial myositis:梭菌性肌炎
- 无相关信息
- 无相关信息
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Clostridium (klɒˈstrɪdɪəm)
a genus of anaerobic bacteria that occur in soil, the intestines of humans and animals, and the putrefying dead body: family Bacillaceae
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Clostridium (noun)
a genus of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria that form spores and are often pathogenic, causing diseases such as botulism, tetanus, and gas gangrene
- Some species of clostridium are commonly found in soil.
- Clostridium perfringens is responsible for a type of food poisoning.
- Tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.
- Botulinum toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum is one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man.(肉毒杆菌产生的肉毒毒素是已知最强的神经毒素之一。)
- Clostridium difficile infection can cause severe diarrhea and inflammation of the colon.(难辨梭菌感染可引起严重的腹泻和结肠炎。)
- Clostridium perfringens is commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals.(产气荚膜梭菌常见于人和动物的肠道。)
- Clostridium botulinum is the bacterium that causes botulism.(肉毒杆菌是引起肉毒症的细菌。)
- Gas gangrene is a life-threatening infection caused by certain strains of Clostridium bacteria.(气性坏疽是由某些梭菌菌株引起的一种危及生命的感染。)
- Clostridium difficile is commonly transmitted through the fecal-oral route.(难辨梭菌通常通过粪-口途径传播。)
- Antibiotics are often used to treat infections caused by Clostridium bacteria.(通常使用抗生素来治疗由梭菌细菌引起的感染。)
- Some Clostridium species can produce toxins that cause muscle paralysis.(一些梭菌属可以产生导致肌肉麻痹的毒素。)
- Food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum can lead to botulism poisoning.(被肉毒杆菌污染的食品可能导致肉毒症中毒。)
- Intravenous antibiotics are often used to treat Clostridium difficile infections.(静脉给药抗生素通常用于治疗难辨梭菌感染。)
- Gas gangrene caused by Clostridium perfringens requires immediate medical attention.(产气荚膜梭菌引起的气性坏疽需要立即就医。)
- Clostridium tetani is the bacterium responsible for causing tetanus.(破伤风杆菌是引起破伤风的细菌。)
- Proper food handling and storage can help prevent Clostridium food poisoning.(适当的食品处理和存储可以预防梭菌食物中毒。)
- Clostridium difficile produces toxins that can damage the lining of the colon.(难辨梭菌产生的毒素可以损害结肠的内膜。)
- Wound infections caused by Clostridium bacteria should be treated with antibiotics.(由梭菌细菌引起的伤口感染应该用抗生素治疗。)
- Infant botulism is a rare condition caused by the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum spores.(婴儿肉毒症是由摄入肉毒杆菌孢子引起的一种罕见病症。)
- Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy may be used to treat severe cases of Clostridium difficile infection.(静脉免疫球蛋白疗法可用于治疗严重的难辨梭菌感染。)
- Some strains of Clostridium bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics.(某些梭菌细菌株对某些抗生素具有耐药性。)
- Clostridium difficile is a common cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea.(难辨梭菌是医疗保健相关腹泻的常见原因。)
- Proper sterilization techniques are important in preventing Clostridium infections in medical settings.(适当的消毒技术对于预防医疗环境中的梭菌感染非常重要。)