seal off
seal off 是一个动词短语,没有形容词形式。名词
seal-off 是一个名词,指的是封锁或隔离某个区域的行为或状态。词语辨析
seal off 与 block off 的区别在于,前者强调的是封锁或隔离某个区域,后者则更侧重于堵塞通道或道路。词汇扩充
- seal up(封闭,密封) - close off(封闭,关闭) - isolate(隔离,孤立) - quarantine(隔离,检疫)近义词
- close off - isolate - quarantine反义词
- open up - unseal柯林斯词典
seal off (phrasal verb) If the police or army seal off a place, they stop people from entering it or leaving it. 例句: - The police sealed off the area around the explosion. - The soldiers sealed off the border to prevent illegal crossings.牛津词典
seal off (phrasal verb) Stop people or vehicles from entering or leaving (a place). 例句: - The police sealed off the area after the bomb scare. - The authorities sealed off the contaminated area to avoid spreading the disease.用法
seal off 可以用作及物动词,后接名词作宾语,也可以用作不及物动词,表示封锁或隔离某个区域。常与地方、区域、道路等搭配使用。相关的例句
- The police sealed off the crime scene and began their investigation.(警方封锁了犯罪现场并展开了调查。)
- Due to a gas leak, the building was sealed off for safety reasons.(由于煤气泄漏,为了安全起见,该建筑被封锁。)
- The authorities sealed off the contaminated area to prevent the spread of the virus.(当局封锁了受污染的区域,以防止病毒传播。)
- During the protest, the police sealed off the entire city center.(在抗议期间,警方封锁了整个市中心。)
- Emergency crews sealed off the accident site and provided medical assistance to the injured.(紧急救援队封锁了事故现场,并对伤者提供医疗援助。)
- The authorities decided to seal off the neighborhood due to a suspected outbreak of a contagious disease.(当局决定封锁该社区,因为有可疑的传染病爆发情况。)
- In order to control the crowd, the police sealed off all entrances to the stadium.(为了控制人群,警方封锁了进入体育场的所有入口。)
- After the chemical spill, the area was immediately sealed off to protect the public.(化学品泄漏后,该区域立即被封锁以保护公众。)
- During the investigation, the detectives sealed off the suspect's house.(在调查期间,侦探们封锁了嫌疑人的房子。)
- As a safety precaution, the authorities sealed off the construction site.(作为一项安全预防措施,当局封锁了施工现场。)
- Due to a terrorist threat, the airport has been sealed off until further notice.(由于恐怖威胁,机场已被封锁,直到另行通知。)
- The firefighters quickly sealed off the area to prevent the fire from spreading.(消防队员迅速封锁了该区域,以防止火势蔓延。)
- During the hostage situation, the police sealed off the building and negotiated with the suspect.(在劫持事件中,警方封锁了建筑物并与嫌疑人进行了谈判。)
- The construction site was sealed off to ensure the safety of the workers.(施工现场被封锁以确保工人的安全。)
- After the chemical spill, the authorities sealed off the contaminated area and initiated a cleanup operation.(化学品泄漏后,当局封锁了受污染的区域并启动了清理行动。)
- In response to a security threat, the government decided to seal off the borders.(针对安全威胁,政府决定封锁边境。)
- During the investigation, the police sealed off the suspect's car and conducted a thorough search.(在调查期间,警方封锁了嫌疑人的车辆并进行了彻底搜查。)
- After the terrorist attack, the area surrounding the scene was sealed off for forensic examination.(恐怖袭击发生后,现场周围的区域被封锁以进行法医检查。)
- The authorities have decided to seal off the contaminated water source to prevent further contamination.(当局决定封锁受污染的水源,以防止进一步污染。)
- Due to a security breach, the entire building was sealed off and searched.(由于安全漏洞,整栋建筑被封锁并进行了搜查。)