1. 名词
1.1 中产阶级
1.2 资产阶级
1.3 市民阶级
2. 形容词
2.1 中产阶级的
2.2 资产阶级的
3. 词语辨析
3.1 bourgeoisie 和 middle class 都指中产阶级,但 bourgeoisie 更强调其经济和社会地位。
3.2 bourgeoisie 和 proletariat 是马克思主义中的对立概念,proletariat 指无产阶级。
4. 词汇扩充
4.1 bourgeois(名词):中产阶级人士
4.2 bourgeois(形容词):中产阶级的,资产阶级的
4.3 bourgeoise(名词):中产阶级妇女
5. 近义词
middle class, capitalist class, propertied class
6. 反义词
proletariat, working class
7. 柯林斯词典
bourgeoisie (noun)
- the middle class
- the property-owning class
- (in Marxist theory) the class that owns the means of production and whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital, in order to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society
8. 牛津词典
bourgeoisie (noun)
- the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes
- the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production
9. 用法
由于 bourgeois 是一个常用外来词,因此在中文中一般以“中产阶级”作为其翻译。
10. 相关例句
- The bourgeoisie emerged as a social class during the Industrial Revolution.(在工业革命期间,中产阶级作为一个社会阶级出现了。)
- The bourgeoisie played a significant role in shaping the modern society.(中产阶级在塑造现代社会方面发挥了重要作用。)
- The bourgeoisie values material possessions and financial success.(中产阶级重视物质财富和经济成功。)
- The bourgeoisie was criticized for its materialistic worldview.(中产阶级因其物质主义世界观受到批评。)
- The bourgeoisie controlled the means of production in capitalist societies.(中产阶级在资本主义社会控制着生产资料。)
- The proletariat sought to overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a socialist society.(无产阶级寻求推翻中产阶级,建立社会主义社会。)
- The bourgeoisie and the working class have conflicting interests.(中产阶级和工人阶级有着冲突的利益。)
- He belongs to the bourgeoisie and has never experienced financial hardship.(他属于中产阶级,从未经历过财务困难。)
- The bourgeoisie class is often associated with materialism and consumerism.(中产阶级常被与物质主义和消费主义联系在一起。)
- The bourgeoisie lifestyle is characterized by luxury and comfort.(中产阶级的生活方式以奢华和舒适为特点。)
- In Marxist theory, the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat for their own economic gain.(在马克思主义理论中,中产阶级剥削无产阶级以谋取自身经济利益。)
- The bourgeoisie seeks to maintain its social status and economic power.(中产阶级力图维持其社会地位和经济权力。)
- The bourgeoisie class is often associated with conservative values.(中产阶级常与保守价值观联系在一起。)
- The bourgeoisie took advantage of the Industrial Revolution to accumulate wealth.(中产阶级利用工业革命积累财富。)
- She comes from a bourgeois family with a long history of wealth and privilege.(她出身于一个有着悠久财富和特权历史的中产阶级家庭。)
- The bourgeoisie class was the driving force behind the development of capitalism.(中产阶级是资本主义发展的推动力量。)
- The proletariat revolted against the bourgeoisie in the name of social justice.(无产阶级以社会正义为名反抗中产阶级。)
- The bourgeoisie lifestyle often emphasizes social status and material possessions.(中产阶级的生活方式常强调社会地位和物质财富。)
- The bourgeoisie dominated the political and economic institutions of society.(中产阶级主宰着社会的政治和经济机构。)
- The bourgeoisie class is characterized by its ownership of private property.(中产阶级以私人财产的所有权为特征。)