- affected: 受感染的,受影响的,做作的
- affecting: 感人的,动人的
- affect: 情感,情绪
- effect: 影响,效果
1. "affected" 和 "affecting" 相似,但含义不同。"affected" 指受到影响或做作的,而 "affecting" 指引起情感共鸣或触动人心的。
2. "affect" 和 "effect" 是常见的易混词。"affect" 是动词,表示对某人或某物产生影响;"effect" 是名词,表示结果或影响。
1. unaffected: 未受影响的,自然的,不矫揉造作的
2. affectation: 做作,虚伪,矫揉造作的行为
3. effective: 有效的,生效的
4. ineffective: 无效的,不起作用的
- influence: 影响
- impact: 影响
- modify: 影响,改变
- unaffected: 未受影响的,自然的
- uninfluenced: 未受影响的,未受干扰的
- unaffected: 未受影响的,自然的
- unimpressive: 无影响力的,不令人印象深刻的
1. 形容词 "affected" 的定义:If someone's behavior or voice is affected, they are not behaving or speaking in a natural way, often because they want to impress other people. (如果某人的行为或声音是affected,他们的行为或说话方式不自然,通常是因为他们想给别人留下深刻的印象。)
2. 名词 "affect" 的定义:Affect is used to refer to the feelings that you have about something. (Affect 用于指你对某事的感受。)
3. 名词 "effect" 的定义:The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing. (一件事对另一件事的影响是第一件事对第二件事所引起的变化。)
1. 动词 "affect" 的定义:Have an effect on; make a difference to. (对...产生影响;对...产生影响。)
2. 名词 "affect" 的定义:A feeling or emotion, especially as manifested by facial expression or body language. (情感,特别是通过面部表情或肢体语言显露出来的情感。)
3. 名词 "effect" 的定义:A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. (行动或其他原因的结果或后果。)
1. "affected" 作为形容词,常用于描述人的行为、声音或举止,表示做作、不自然。例:She spoke with an affected accent. (她说话带着一种做作的口音。)
2. "affecting" 作为形容词,常用于描述引起情感共鸣或触动人心的事物。例:The movie's ending was incredibly affecting. (电影的结尾非常感人。)
3. "affect" 作为名词,指人的情感或情绪。例:His affect was calm despite the difficult situation. (尽管处于困境,他的情绪保持平静。)
4. "effect" 作为名词,表示结果、影响或效果。例:The medication had a positive effect on her condition. (这种药对她的病情有积极的影响。)
5. "affect" 作为动词,表示对某人或某物产生影响。例:The weather can affect my mood. (天气会影响我的情绪。)
6. "effect" 作为动词,表示实施、实现或产生效果。例:They hope to effect a change in the company's policies. (他们希望在公司的政策上产生变化。)
- His affected accent made it difficult to understand him. (他做作的口音让人难以理解他。)
- The affecting story brought tears to my eyes. (那个感人的故事让我落泪。)
- Her flat affect suggested a lack of emotion. (她平淡的情感表现出缺乏情感。)
- The effect of the drug was immediate. (药物的效果立竿见影。)
- His negative attitude affects the entire team. (他的消极态度影响了整个团队。)
- She wanted to effect positive change in her community. (她希望在社区实现积极的变革。)
- The accident had a profound effect on her life. (这次事故对她的生活产生了深远的影响。)
- The movie's affecting soundtrack added to its emotional impact. (电影感人的配乐增加了其情感上的冲击力。)
- His affected manners made him appear insincere. (他做作的举止使他看起来不真诚。)
- The devastating effects of the earthquake were felt for years. (地震的破坏性影响持续了多年。)
- Her speech had a profound effect on the audience. (她的演讲对观众产生了深远的影响。)
- The experience affected her deeply and changed her perspective on life. (这次经历对她产生了深远的影响,并改变了她对生活的看法。)
- The painting's vibrant colors had a powerful affect on the viewer. (这幅画鲜艳的色彩对观众产生了强烈的影响。)
- The new policy will have a significant effect on the company's profitability. (新政策将对公司的盈利能力产生重大影响。)
- His affected laughter seemed forced and insincere. (他做作的笑声看起来很勉强,不真诚。)
- The affecting documentary moved the audience to tears. (那个感人的纪录片让观众落泪。)
- Her flat affect made it difficult for others to connect with her emotionally. (她平淡的情感使别人很难在情感上与她建立联系。)
- The medication can have side effects. (这种药物可能会有副作用。)
- His positive attitude affected the morale of the team. (他积极的态度影响了团队的士气。)
- The sound effects in the movie were incredibly realistic. (电影中的音效非常逼真。)
- The affected elegance of her clothing made her stand out in the crowd. (她衣着的做作优雅使她在人群中显得与众不同。)