- 易接近的,平易近人的
- 可理解的,易懂的
- 平易近人的人
approachability (n.)
approachableness (n.)
unapproachable (adj.)
unapproachably (adv.)
friendly, amiable, sociable, affable
unfriendly, aloof, unapproachable, standoffish
1. If you describe someone as approachable, you think that they are friendly and easy to talk to.
2. An approachable place is easy to get to.
1. Easy to meet or converse with.
2. (of a place) Easy to reach or get into.
- She has a warm and approachable personality. (她性格热情且易于接近)
- The professor is very approachable and always willing to help. (教授非常平易近人,总是乐于助人)
- The park is very approachable from our hotel. (从我们的酒店到公园非常方便)
- Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always approachable. (如果有问题,请告诉我。我一直很容易接触)
- He made an effort to be more approachable to his colleagues. (他努力变得更加容易接近他的同事们)
- The CEO's office is not very approachable, you need an appointment to see him. (首席执行官的办公室不太好找,你需要预约才能见到他)
- They want to create a more approachable image for their brand. (他们希望为他们的品牌打造一个更亲近的形象)
- The author's writing style is very approachable and easy to understand. (这位作者的写作风格非常易懂)
- She has an approachable manner that makes people feel comfortable around her. (她有一种平易近人的方式,让人们感到在她周围很舒服)
- Being approachable is an important quality for a teacher. (对于一名教师来说,易于接近是一种重要的品质)
- The restaurant is in an approachable location, right in the city center. (这家餐厅位于一个容易到达的地点,就在市中心)
- He has an approachable personality, which is why he has so many friends. (他有一种平易近人的个性,所以他有很多朋友)
- The manager's door is always open, she is very approachable. (经理的门总是敞开的,她非常平易近人)
- The CEO wanted to create an approachable atmosphere in the workplace. (首席执行官希望在工作场所营造一种亲切的氛围)
- They have made the museum more approachable for visitors with disabilities. (他们使博物馆更易于残疾游客访问)
- Her approachable nature made it easy for her to make friends. (她平易近人的性格使她很容易交朋友)
- He is known for his approachable and down-to-earth attitude. (他以平易近人和务实的态度而闻名)
- The town is very approachable by train. (乘坐火车到达这个城镇非常方便)
- She has an approachable smile that puts people at ease. (她有一种平易近人的微笑,让人感到轻松自在)
- The hotel is known for its approachable staff who go out of their way to assist guests. (这家酒店以工作人员亲切友好而闻名,他们尽力帮助客人)
- He has a reputation for being unapproachable, but he's actually quite friendly. (他有一个不好接近的名声,但实际上他非常友好)