1. 恶名昭彰的;声名狼藉的 2. 不名誉的;可耻的 3. 臭名昭著的;罪大恶极的名词
1. 恶名;声名狼藉 2. 不名誉;丑名词语辨析
- infamy:名词,耻辱,恶行 - infamously:副词,恶名昭彰地,臭名昭著地近义词
notorious, disgraceful, disreputable, scandalous反义词
honorable, reputable, respectable柯林斯词典
infamous (adj.) 1. If someone or something is infamous, they are well-known because of something bad or evil that they have done. 2. Infamous people or things are well-known because of something bad. 3. If you describe someone as infamous, you mean you strongly disapprove of them because of something they have done.牛津词典
infamous (adj.) 1. Well known for some bad quality or deed. 2. infamous for something: Well known for some bad quality, deed, or reputation. 3. infamous person: A person who is famous for some bad quality or deed.用法
- The city is infamous for its high crime rate. - He is an infamous criminal who has committed multiple murders. - The dictator's infamous speech was widely criticized.相关例句
- The company's infamous CEO resigned amidst allegations of embezzlement.(这家公司臭名昭著的首席执行官因贪污指控而辞职。)
- The crime boss was infamous for his ruthless methods.(这个犯罪老板以其残忍手段而声名狼藉。)
- The infamous serial killer was finally captured after years on the run.(这个臭名昭著的连环杀手在逃亡多年后终于被捕。)
- The movie is based on the infamous bank robbery that shocked the nation.(这部电影以震惊全国的臭名昭著的银行抢劫案为基础。)
- Her infamous behavior at the party embarrassed her family.(她在派对上的丑态令她的家人感到尴尬。)
- The politician's infamous remarks sparked a public outcry.(这位政治家的臭名昭著的言论引发了公众的强烈抗议。)
- The infamous gangster was finally brought to justice.(这个声名狼藉的黑帮分子终于被绳之以法。)
- The town's infamous haunted house attracts tourists from all over the world.(这个臭名昭著的闹鬼屋吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)
- The infamous dictator ruled the country with an iron fist.(这个臭名昭著的独裁者以铁腕统治着这个国家。)
- The infamous scandal rocked the entertainment industry.(这场臭名昭著的丑闻震动了娱乐业。)
- The actor's infamous behavior on set led to his dismissal from the film.(这位演员在拍摄现场的臭名昭著的行为导致他被开除出电影。)
- The infamous murder trial received widespread media coverage.(这场臭名昭著的谋杀审判受到了广泛的媒体关注。)
- The infamous gang was responsible for a string of robberies in the city.(这个声名狼藉的团伙负责了城市里一连串的抢劫案。)
- The infamous dictator's reign of terror came to an end with his capture.(这位臭名昭著的独裁者的恐怖统治在他被捕后结束。)
- The infamous scandal brought down several high-ranking officials.(这场声名狼藉的丑闻导致了几位高级官员的下台。)
- The infamous hacker gained unauthorized access to sensitive information.(这个臭名昭著的黑客非法获取了敏感信息。)
- The infamous criminal was finally apprehended by the police.(这个声名狼藉的罪犯最终被警方逮捕。)
- The infamous prison was known for its harsh conditions and abuse of inmates.(这个臭名昭著的监狱以其恶劣的条件和对囚犯的虐待而闻名。)
- The infamous gang leader was sentenced to life in prison.(这个声名狼藉的黑帮头目被判终身监禁。)
- The infamous terrorist organization carried out a series of attacks.(这个臭名昭著的恐怖组织发动了一系列袭击。)