- doss的中文翻译:懒散的
- doss的英文翻译:lazy, idle
- doss的中文翻译:懒散;无所事事
- doss的英文翻译:idleness, laziness
- doss的中文翻译:简陋的住所;临时住所
- doss的英文翻译:humble abode, temporary accommodation
- doss的中文翻译:与“laze”辨析
- doss的英文翻译:contrast with "laze"
- doss down:躺下,休息
- doss about/around:闲逛,无所事事
- laze
- lounge
- loaf
- industrious
- hardworking
- energetic
doss (英 [dɒs] 美 [dɔːs]) 名词 (非正式)
1. 无家可归的人;流浪汉
2. 床;寝具
动词 (非正式)
1. 懒散;无所事事
2. 做零工
doss (英 [dɒs] 美 [dɔːs]) 名词 (非正式)
1. 住处;寝室
2. 睡觉地方;床
动词 (非正式)
1. 懒散;无所事事
2. 临时居住
1. He's been dossing around all day instead of doing his homework. (他整天懒散无所事事,而不是做作业。)
2. The homeless man found a doss for the night in an abandoned building. (无家可归的人在一座废弃建筑中找到了一个夜宿之处。)
3. She always dosses down on the sofa after work. (下班后她总是在沙发上躺下休息。)
4. We can doss about on the beach for the day and just relax. (我们可以在海滩上闲逛一整天,尽情放松。)
1. The doss house provided a temporary shelter for the homeless people. (这个简陋的住所为无家可归的人提供了临时的庇护。)
2. He's too lazy to get a job and just dosses around all day. (他太懒了,不愿意找工作,整天都在懒散无所事事。)
3. The dossers were forced to sleep rough on the streets. (流浪汉被迫露宿街头。)
4. After a long day of work, she dossed down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. (一天辛苦工作后,她躺在床上立刻就睡着了。)
5. He dossed about all summer, not doing anything productive. (整个夏天他都在闲逛,没有做任何有意义的事情。)
6. The doss house was a dingy place with no proper facilities. (这个简陋的住所没有适当的设施,条件很差。)
7. Don't just doss around, go out and find a job! (别整天懒散无所事事,出去找份工作吧!)
8. The students dossed in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine. (学生们在公园里懒散地度过,享受着温暖的阳光。)
9. They were caught dossing in an abandoned building and had to leave. (他们被抓住在一座废弃建筑中夜宿,被迫离开。)
10. The dossers were grateful for the shelter provided by the local charity. (流浪汉对当地慈善机构提供的庇护表示感激。)
11. She dossed in her friend's spare room until she found a permanent place to stay. (在找到固定住所之前,她在朋友的备用房间中临时居住。)
12. They decided to doss for the night in the woods, away from the busy city. (他们决定在树林里过夜,远离繁忙的城市。)
13. He's always dossing about, never doing anything useful. (他总是懒散无所事事,从不做有用的事情。)
14. The dossers relied on the kindness of strangers for food and shelter. (流浪汉依靠陌生人的善意来获取食物和庇护。)
15. The doss house had a row of beds for the homeless to sleep on. (简陋的住所有一排床供无家可归的人睡觉。)
16. The dossers spent the night in a derelict building, seeking refuge from the cold. (流浪汉在一座废弃的建筑物中过夜,躲避寒冷。)
17. She dossed around all day, not making any effort to find a job. (她整天懒散无所事事,没有努力找工作。)
18. The homeless man found a doss for the night in a park shelter. (无家可归的人在公园的避难所找到了一个夜宿之处。)
19. The dossers relied on soup kitchens for their meals. (流浪汉依靠救济厨房获取食物。)
20. The doss house was filled with the smell of damp and decay. (简陋的住所弥漫着潮湿和腐败的气味。)