1. 虚荣的
- 中文解释:过分关注自己外貌、成就或财富的
- 英文解释:excessive concern with one's own appearance, achievements, or possessions
- 词语搭配:vanity mirror(梳妆镜)
2. 虚无的
- 中文解释:没有实际内容或意义的
- 英文解释:having no real substance or meaning
- 词语搭配:vanity project(虚无的项目)
1. 虚荣心
- 中文解释:过分自负或自大的心态
- 英文解释:excessive pride or admiration of one's own abilities or achievements
- 词语搭配:feed one's vanity(满足某人的虚荣心)
2. 梳妆台
- 中文解释:供女性化妆的家具
- 英文解释:a piece of furniture used by women for dressing and holding cosmetics
- 词语搭配:bathroom vanity(浴室梳妆台)
1. vanity与pride的区别
- 中文解释:虚荣与自豪的区别
- 英文解释:difference between vanity and pride
- 例句:His vanity made him obsessed with his appearance, while his pride came from his achievements.
- 翻译:他的虚荣使他对自己的外貌过于执着,而他的自豪则来自于他的成就。
2. vanity与conceit的区别
- 中文解释:虚荣与自负的区别
- 英文解释:difference between vanity and conceit
- 例句:Her vanity was evident in her constant need for praise, while his conceit made him believe he was superior to everyone else.
- 翻译:她的虚荣在于她对赞美的不断需求,而他的自负使他相信自己优于其他人。
- vanity fair:繁华热闹的场合
- vanity plate:个性化车牌
- vanity sizing:服装尺码虚标
- vanity publishing:自费出版
- vanity URL:个性化网址
- egotism:自大
- arrogance:傲慢
- conceit:自负
- pride:自豪
- modesty:谦逊
- humility:谦虚
- selflessness:无私
Vanity means being conceited and too concerned about one's appearance or achievements.
Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.
1. His vanity led him to spend hours in front of the mirror.
2. She was praised for her beauty, but her vanity made her believe she was superior to others.
3. The company's vanity project turned out to be a huge failure.
4. He often feeds his vanity by posting pictures of his expensive possessions on social media.
5. She looked at herself in the vanity mirror and adjusted her makeup.
- 她对自己的外貌过于关注,这表明她非常虚荣。
- She is excessively concerned about her appearance, which shows she is very vain.
- 他太过于自负以至于无法接受批评。
- He is so conceited that he can't accept criticism.
- 她因为自己的成就而感到自豪。
- She takes pride in her achievements.
- 他的虚荣使他无法与他人建立真正的联系。
- His vanity prevents him from forming genuine connections with others.
- 她花了很多时间在化妆台前打扮自己。
- She spent a lot of time dressing herself at the vanity.
- 他对自己外貌的过分关注让他变得浮华。
- His excessive concern with his appearance has made him vain.
- 这个项目只是一个满足个人虚荣心的计划。
- This project is just a vanity project to satisfy personal vanity.
- 他的虚荣心使他对赞美有着强烈的需求。
- His vanity leads him to have a strong need for praise.
- 他总是在社交媒体上炫耀自己昂贵的财物,以满足自己的虚荣心。
- He constantly flaunts his expensive possessions on social media to feed his vanity.
- 她站在梳妆镜前看着自己,调整着妆容。
- She looked at herself in the vanity mirror and adjusted her makeup.