- compassionate: 有同情心的
- compassion: 同情心
- compassionate person: 有同情心的人
- show compassion: 表现出同情心
- sympathy: 同情
- empathy: 移情作用
- mercy: 怜悯
- cruelty: 残忍
compassion (noun): Compassion is a feeling of pity, sympathy, and understanding for someone who is suffering.
compassion (noun): Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
- She showed great compassion towards the homeless.
- His compassion for animals led him to become a vegetarian.
- It's important to have compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves.
- She felt a surge of compassion for the child who had lost his parents.
- She always treats her patients with compassion and understanding. (她总是以同情心和理解对待她的病人。)
- He was moved by the compassion shown by strangers during his difficult time. (在他困难的时候,陌生人表现出的同情心让他感动。)
- Her acts of compassion have touched the lives of many people. (她的同情之举感动了许多人的生活。)
- Compassion is an essential quality for anyone working in the healthcare field. (同情心对于从事医疗行业的任何人来说都是一种必不可少的品质。)
- The charity's main goal is to alleviate suffering and promote compassion. (该慈善机构的主要目标是减轻苦难并促进同情心。)
- His compassion towards animals led him to start a rescue shelter. (他对动物的同情心促使他开办了一个救助避难所。)
- She spoke with compassion and understanding to the grieving family. (她以同情心和理解之声对悲伤的家庭说话。)
- The novel explores themes of love, loss, and compassion. (这本小说探讨了爱、失去和同情心的主题。)
- In times of crisis, it is important for communities to come together and show compassion. (在危机时刻,社区团结一致,并表现出同情心是很重要的。)
- She demonstrated her compassion by volunteering at the local homeless shelter. (她通过在当地无家可归者收容所做志愿工作来展示她的同情心。)
- The teacher's compassion and support helped the student overcome their difficulties. (老师的同情心和支持帮助学生克服了困难。)
- He showed no compassion for his opponent, ruthlessly defeating them. (他对他的对手没有任何同情心,无情地击败了他们。)
- Compassion is a fundamental value in many religions and philosophies. (同情心是许多宗教和哲学的基本价值观。)
- The documentary portrays the compassion of ordinary individuals in extraordinary circumstances. (这部纪录片描绘了非凡环境下普通人的同情心。)
- She lacked compassion and often dismissed other people's problems. (她缺乏同情心,经常对他人的问题不予理会。)
- His compassion for the victims of the natural disaster led him to donate generously. (他对自然灾害的受害者的同情心使他慷慨捐赠。)
- The novel's protagonist shows compassion towards the antagonist, leading to a change in their relationship. (小说的主人公对反派表现出同情心,导致了他们关系的变化。)
- Compassion can be expressed through small acts of kindness towards others. (同情心可以通过对他人的小善举来表达。)
- She spoke with compassion and understanding, offering comfort to those who were grieving. (她以同情心和理解之声说话,给那些悲伤的人提供安慰。)
- The organization works tirelessly to promote compassion and empathy in society. (该组织不辞辛劳地促进社会上的同情心和移情作用。)
- Compassion is a quality that can be cultivated through practice and mindfulness. (同情心是一种可以通过实践和正念培养的品质。)