libertine [ˈlɪbərˌtin]
- 放荡的,纵欲的
- 放纵的,无拘束的
libertine [ˈlɪbərˌtin]
- 放荡者,淫荡者
- 放纵者,无拘束者
libertinage [ˈlɪbərtn̩ɪdʒ]:放荡,纵欲
libertinism [ˈlɪbərtn̩ɪzəm]:放荡行为,纵欲主义
profligate, rake, roué, playboy
puritan, prude, ascetic, moralist
libertine (adjective)
- If you describe someone as a libertine, you mean that they are sexually immoral and do not care about the effect their behaviour has on other people.
- libertine (noun)
- A libertine is someone, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.
- A libertine is someone who rejects traditional religious and moral principles and believes that they should be free to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable.
libertine (noun)
- A person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.
- A person who rejects accepted opinions in matters of religion; a freethinker.
- A person who is unrestrained by convention or morality.
- He led a libertine lifestyle, indulging in all sorts of pleasures.
- She was known for her libertine behavior, shocking the society.
- He was condemned as a libertine who disregarded the consequences of his actions.
- After years of being a libertine, he finally settled down and started a family.
- She was attracted to the excitement and danger of the libertine lifestyle.
- He was known as a notorious libertine, constantly pursuing pleasure and disregarding societal norms.
- The novel portrays the main character as a libertine who indulges in all kinds of vices.
- She found herself drawn to his libertine charm and carefree attitude.
- He embraced the life of a libertine, rejecting traditional values and moral constraints.
- Her reputation as a libertine made it difficult for her to find acceptance in polite society.
- The movie explores the themes of love, desire, and the struggle between societal expectations and libertine freedom.
- His libertine lifestyle eventually caught up with him, leading to a downfall.
- Despite his libertine reputation, he was a talented artist who pushed the boundaries of conventional art.
- She was attracted to his libertine aura, finding it irresistible and dangerous.
- His libertine behavior scandalized the conservative community he belonged to.
- They saw themselves as modern-day libertines, rejecting societal norms and embracing freedom.
- The novel tells the story of a young woman who falls under the spell of a charismatic libertine.
- He was considered a libertine poet, expressing unconventional ideas and challenging societal norms through his work.
- She lived a libertine lifestyle, traveling the world and indulging in various pleasures.
- The character in the play represents the struggle between moral responsibility and libertine desires.
- His libertine attitude towards relationships often resulted in heartbreak and disappointment.
- She was attracted to his libertine charm, but soon realized that it came with a price.
- The society condemned him as a libertine who had no regard for the consequences of his actions.
- He was infamous for his libertine escapades, constantly seeking new experiences and pleasures.