enroute (也可拼作“en route”)是一个形容词,表示“在途中的”、“在路上的”。词语辨析
enroute 和 on the way 都可以表示“在途中的”,但在使用上略有不同。 enroute 更强调目的地之间的旅程,而 on the way 则更强调所经过的途中地点。词汇扩充
- enroute time:途中时间,旅程中所花费的时间。 - enroute stop:途中停留,旅程中的中途停留地点。名词
enroute 也可以作为一个名词,表示“途中”、“中途”。词语辨析
enroute 和 journey 都可以表示“旅程”,但在使用上有一些区别。 enroute 更强调旅程的中间部分,而 journey 则更强调整个旅程的全过程。近义词
- on the way - in transit - on the road反义词
- arrived - at destination柯林斯词典
1. 形容词:在途中的;在路上的。 2. 名词:途中;中途。牛津词典
1. 形容词:在途中的;在路上的。 2. 名词:途中;中途。用法
- I'm enroute to the airport.(我正在去机场的路上。) - The package is enroute and should arrive by tomorrow.(包裹已在途中,预计明天到达。) - The bus made several enroute stops before reaching the final destination.(公交车在到达最终目的地之前进行了几次途中停靠。)相关例句
- I'm enroute to the airport for my business trip.(我正在去机场出差的路上。)
- The truck broke down enroute, causing a delay in the delivery.(卡车在途中抛锚,导致交货延迟。)
- He had to make a quick enroute stop to get some fuel.(他不得不进行快速中途停车加油。)
- We experienced heavy traffic enroute to the concert.(在去音乐会的途中,我们遇到了交通拥堵。)
- The flight was delayed enroute due to bad weather.(航班因恶劣天气在途中延误了。)
- The tour bus made several enroute stops for sightseeing.(旅游巴士在途中停靠了几次,以便观光。)
- She got car sick enroute and had to pull over to rest.(她在途中感到晕车,不得不停下来休息。)
- We are enroute to the conference, and should arrive in an hour.(我们正在去参加会议的途中,预计一个小时后到达。)
- The train had to make an enroute detour due to track maintenance.(火车由于铁路维修不得不进行途中绕行。)
- He fell asleep enroute and missed his intended stop.(他在途中睡着了,错过了他原本打算停的地方。)
- We made good time enroute and arrived earlier than expected.(我们在途中走得很快,比预计的到达时间要早。)
- The enroute scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.(途中的风景美得令人惊叹。)
- The hiker was attacked by a bear enroute to the mountain peak.(这名徒步者在前往山顶的途中遭到熊袭击。)
- They stopped at a small town enroute to their final destination.(他们在去往最终目的地的途中停在了一个小镇上。)
- She realized she left her passport at home enroute to the airport.(她在去机场的途中意识到把护照忘在家里了。)
- I had to make an enroute phone call to let them know I was running late.(我不得不打一个途中电话告诉他们我要迟到了。)
- They encountered heavy rain enroute to the beach and had to turn back.(他们在去海滩的途中遇到了大雨,不得不折返。)
- The enroute flight was smooth and comfortable, with no turbulence.(这次途中的飞行很平稳舒适,没有遇到任何气流颠簸。)
- He stopped for a quick bite to eat enroute to the meeting.(他在去开会的路上停下来快速吃了点东西。)
- They made enroute changes to the itinerary to accommodate the group's preferences.(为了满足团队成员的喜好,他们对行程进行了途中的修改。)
- The enroute bus driver provided interesting commentary about the landmarks along the way.(途中的公交车司机对沿途的地标提供了有趣的解说。)