1. 直线的;笔直的
2. 坦率的;直截了当的
straightness (n.) 直线;直截了当
direct, linear, undeviating
curved, crooked, winding
1. 直线
2. 直线路径
straightline (noun)
A straightline is the shortest distance between two points.
straightline (noun)
A straightline is the shortest distance between two points.
1. We walked in a straightline to the end of the road.
2. The teacher drew a straightline on the chalkboard.
3. He always gives straightline answers to our questions.
Example Sentences
- We need to draw a straightline from point A to point B on the map.
- 我们需要在地图上从A点到B点画一条直线。
- She walked in a straightline without looking back.
- 她一直笔直地朝前走,没有回头看。
- The architect designed the building with many straightlines and sharp angles.
- 建筑师设计了这座建筑物,其中有许多直线和尖锐的角。
- The car accelerated in a straightline until it reached its top speed.
- 汽车在一条直线上加速,直到达到最高速度。
- He always speaks in straightline and never beats around the bush.
- 他总是直截了当地说话,从不拐弯抹角。
- The laser beam travels in a straightline until it hits an obstacle.
- 激光束在直线上传播,直到撞到障碍物。
- The runner sprinted in a straightline towards the finish line.
- 赛跑者笔直地朝着终点线冲刺。
- He drew a straightline to divide the page into two equal parts.
- 他画了一条直线将页面分成两个相等的部分。
- The mathematician proved his theorem using straightlines and geometric shapes.
- 数学家用直线和几何图形证明了他的定理。
- She followed the straightline on the map to navigate her way through the city.
- 她按照地图上的直线来导航穿过城市。
- The ruler is used to draw straightlines in geometry class.
- 直尺在几何课上用来画直线。
- The driver kept the car in a straightline as he navigated the narrow road.
- 司机在狭窄的道路上保持车辆笔直行驶。
- The artist's painting featured bold straightlines and vibrant colors.
- 艺术家的画作以大胆的直线和鲜艳的色彩为特点。
- She used a ruler to draw a straightline across the paper.
- 她用尺子在纸上画了一条直线。
- The pilot flew the plane in a straightline towards the destination.
- 飞行员将飞机笔直地朝着目的地飞行。
- He drew a straightline connecting the two dots on the graph.
- 他在图表上画了一条连接两个点的直线。
- We need to walk in a straightline to reach the other side of the field.
- 我们需要笔直地走过球场到达另一边。
- The arrow flew in a straightline towards the target.
- 箭朝着目标笔直地飞去。
- He used a ruler to draw a straightline along the edge of the paper.
- 他用尺子沿着纸的边缘画了一条直线。
- The teacher asked the students to draw a straightline that bisected the angle.
- 老师要求学生画一条平分角度的直线。
- The car veered off the straightline and into the ditch.
- 汽车偏离直线,撞进了沟渠。