independent of
independent of和independent from在大部分情况下可以互换使用,表示“独立于,不依赖于”的意思。
independent: 独立的,自主的
dependence: 依赖,依存
autonomous: 自主的,自治的
self-reliant: 自力更生的,依靠自己的
unrelated: 无关的,不相关的
unconnected, unrelated, detached
dependent on, reliant on, connected to
independent of
1. If one thing is independent of another, the first thing is not affected or influenced by the second thing.
2. If you say that someone is independent of something, you mean that they are not involved with it or affected by it.
- These issues are independent of each other. 这些问题彼此独立。
- They remain independent of party politics. 他们与党派政治保持独立。
independent of
1. Not influenced by or relating to something.
2. Not connected with or controlled by another person or organization.
- His decision was independent of his father. 他的决定与他父亲无关。
- An independent committee will be set up to investigate the allegations. 将成立一个独立委员会来调查这些指控。
1. independent of作形容词时,后面通常接名词或名词短语。
2. independent of作名词时,常用于表示独立性或自主性的上下文中。
- The two systems are completely independent of each other. 这两个系统彼此完全独立。
- Her success is independent of her family background. 她的成功与她的家庭背景无关。
- The decision was made independent of any external pressure. 这个决定是不受任何外部压力的影响。
- The company operates independent of government control. 该公司独立于政府控制运营。
- The team works independently of other departments. 这个团队独立于其他部门工作。
- She is an independent thinker who forms her own opinions. 她是一个独立思考的人,形成自己的观点。
- His artwork is independent of any particular style or movement. 他的艺术作品独立于任何特定的风格或运动。
- The research project is independent of funding from external sources. 这个研究项目不依赖于外部资金的支持。
- They lead independent lives and don't rely on others for help. 他们过着独立的生活,不依赖他人的帮助。
- The two events are independent of each other and can be attended separately. 这两个事件彼此独立,可以单独参加。
- She is an independent candidate running for mayor. 她是一名独立候选人竞选市长。
- The country fought for years to become independent of foreign rule. 这个国家为了摆脱外国统治而进行了多年的斗争。
- His decision to quit the job was independent of his colleagues' opinions. 他辞职的决定与他的同事们的意见无关。
- She wants to live an independent life and not rely on anyone else. 她想过独立的生活,不依赖任何人。
- Children should be encouraged to think independently and express their own ideas. 应该鼓励孩子们独立思考,表达自己的观点。
- The organization aims to promote independent research in the field of science. 该组织旨在推动科学领域的独立研究。
- His success is independent of his parents' wealth. 他的成功与他父母的财富无关。
- She is an independent woman who doesn't need anyone to take care of her. 她是一个独立的女性,不需要任何人照顾。
- These two factors are independent of each other and should be considered separately. 这两个因素彼此独立,应分开考虑。
- The company operates independently of its parent company. 这家公司独立于其母公司运营。
- The decision was made independently of any external influence. 这个决定是不受任何外部影响的。