中英词典:fire extinguisher(消防器材)
fire extinguishing(灭火的)
fire extinguisher(消防器材)
fire extinguisher(灭火器)
fire extinguisher与extinguisher的区别在于,fire extinguisher更具体地指代消防器材中的灭火器。
fire hose(消防水带)
fire hydrant(消防栓)
fire alarm(火警)
fire suppressor
fire igniter
fire starter
fire extinguisher (noun): A fire extinguisher is a device that you can use to put out a fire. It contains a substance that stops fire from burning.
fire extinguisher (noun): A portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other material to extinguish a fire.
1. Please make sure that the fire extinguisher is easily accessible in case of an emergency.
2. Remember to pull the pin and aim the nozzle at the base of the fire when using a fire extinguisher.
3. The fire extinguisher should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure its effectiveness.
- The fire extinguisher should be placed in a visible and easily accessible location.
- 灭火器应放置在一个显眼且易于取用的位置。
- In case of a small fire, you can use a fire extinguisher to put it out.
- 如果发生小火灾,你可以使用灭火器扑灭火焰。
- Remember to check the pressure gauge on the fire extinguisher regularly.
- 记得定期检查灭火器上的压力表。
- Fire extinguishers are essential safety devices in all buildings.
- 灭火器是所有建筑物中必备的安全装置。
- He quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and rushed to the scene of the fire.
- 他迅速抓起灭火器,冲向火灾现场。
- The fire extinguisher was not used properly, which resulted in the fire spreading.
- 灭火器的使用不当导致火势蔓延。
- After the fire broke out, the employees evacuated the building and grabbed the fire extinguishers on their way out.
- 火灾发生后,员工们疏散大楼时顺便拿起了灭火器。
- Please familiarize yourself with the location of the fire extinguishers in your workplace.
- 请熟悉你工作场所中灭火器的位置。
- When using a fire extinguisher, remember to aim at the base of the fire, not the flames.
- 使用灭火器时,请记得瞄准火源底部,而不是火焰。
- If you encounter a fire, assess the situation and determine if it can be safely extinguished with a fire extinguisher.
- 如果遇到火灾,请评估情况,判断是否可以使用灭火器安全扑灭。
- The fire extinguisher was successfully used to put out the small kitchen fire.
- 灭火器成功地扑灭了小型厨房火灾。
- Always follow the instructions on the fire extinguisher for proper usage.
- 使用灭火器时,请始终遵循灭火器上的使用说明。
- It is important to have fire extinguishers available in multiple locations throughout the building.
- 在整个建筑物中多个位置都配备灭火器非常重要。
- The fire extinguisher needs to be recharged after each use.
- 每次使用后都需要给灭火器充电。
- She panicked when she saw the fire and forgot where the fire extinguisher was.
- 她看到火灾后惊慌失措,忘记了灭火器的位置。
- Training on how to use a fire extinguisher is an important part of fire safety education.
- 如何使用灭火器的培训是消防安全教育的重要组成部分。
- The fire extinguisher was ineffective in putting out the electrical fire.
- 灭火器无法扑灭电器火灾。
- The fire extinguisher should be tested regularly to ensure that it is in working condition.
- 应定期测试灭火器以确保其正常工作。
- He used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames before they could spread.
- 他使用灭火器扑灭火焰,防止其蔓延。
- During a fire drill, employees practiced using the fire extinguisher.
- 在一次火灾演习中,员工们练习使用灭火器。
- The fire extinguisher was not effective in controlling the fire, so the firefighters had to use hoses to extinguish it.
- 灭火器对于控制火势没有起到作用,因此消防员不得不使用水龙带将其扑灭。