形容词 (Adjective)
concealing (用于修饰名词)遮盖的,掩盖的名词 (Noun)
1. 遮瑕膏 (Cosmetics) 一种用于遮盖面部瑕疵的化妆品 2. 掩饰者 (Person) 试图掩盖真相或错误的人词语辨析 (Differentiation)
concealer 和foundation 在化妆品中有相似的用途,但二者略有不同。遮瑕膏(concealer)用于局部地遮盖面部瑕疵,如痘痘、黑眼圈等。粉底液(foundation)则用于整体均匀地调整肤色。词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
- camouflage: 伪装 - mask: 掩盖 - hide: 隐藏 - cover-up: 掩饰 - blemish: 瑕疵 - imperfection: 缺陷 - flaw: 缺陷 - discoloration: 变色近义词 (Synonyms)
- camouflage - cover-up - mask反义词 (Antonyms)
- reveal - expose柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
Noun 1. A concealer is a cream or powder that is used to hide marks or dark areas on the skin.牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
Noun 1. A cosmetic product that is used to cover up blemishes or dark circles on the skin.用法 (Usage)
- She applied concealer to cover the dark circles under her eyes. - The concealer effectively hid the blemishes on her face. - He used a concealer to camouflage the scar on his cheek.例句 (Example Sentences)
- She used a concealer to hide the pimple on her chin. (她用遮瑕膏遮盖下巴上的痘痘。)
- He applied concealer to cover the tattoo on his arm for the job interview. (他涂上遮瑕膏以遮盖臂上的纹身,为了求职面试。)
- The concealer effectively disguised the redness on her cheeks. (遮瑕膏有效地掩盖了她脸颊上的红肿。)
- She used a concealer to hide the dark circles under her eyes after a sleepless night. (经过一夜未眠,她用遮瑕膏遮盖了眼睛下的黑眼圈。)
- The concealer provided a flawless base for her foundation. (遮瑕膏为她的粉底提供了无瑕的基底。)
- He applied a concealer to cover up the discoloration on his forehead. (他涂上遮瑕膏以掩盖额头上的色素沉着。)
- The concealer blended seamlessly with her skin tone. (遮瑕膏与她的肤色融为一体。)
- She used a concealer brush to precisely apply the product. (她用遮瑕刷精准地涂抹产品。)
- The concealer provided long-lasting coverage throughout the day. (遮瑕膏在整天内提供持久的遮盖效果。)
- He used a color-correcting concealer to neutralize the redness on his face. (他用色彩修正遮瑕膏中和脸上的红肿。)
- The concealer effectively masked the blemishes on her skin. (遮瑕膏有效地掩盖了她皮肤上的瑕疵。)
- They used a concealer palette with different shades to match their skin tones. (他们使用了一款有不同色调的遮瑕膏盘来匹配他们的肤色。)
- The concealer provided a natural-looking coverage. (遮瑕膏提供了自然的遮盖效果。)
- She used a liquid concealer for a lightweight and buildable coverage. (她使用了液体遮瑕膏,使遮盖效果轻盈且可叠加。)
- The concealer helped to minimize the appearance of fine lines. (遮瑕膏有助于减少细纹的出现。)
- He applied a concealer stick directly onto the blemishes. (他直接在瑕疵上涂抹遮瑕膏棒。)
- The concealer had a creamy texture that blended smoothly into the skin. (遮瑕膏有一种奶油般的质地,可以顺利地与皮肤融合。)
- She used a concealer brush to feather the edges for a seamless finish. (她用遮瑕刷在边缘上做羽化处理,以实现无缝的效果。)
- The concealer provided full coverage without looking cakey. (遮瑕膏提供了完全的遮盖效果,而不显得厚重。)
- He used a peach-toned concealer to counteract the darkness under his eyes. (他用桃色调的遮瑕膏来抵消眼睛下方的黑暗。)
- The concealer was easy to blend and gave a natural finish. (遮瑕膏容易推开,呈现出自然的妆效。)