1. 简洁的;言简意赅的 - pithy remarks 简洁的评论 - a pithy summary of the book 对该书的简洁总结词语辨析
- pithy指言辞简练,富有力量,能精确概括要点。 - concise指言辞简明扼要,没有冗余的词语。 - brief指言辞简短,没有冗长的句子或段落。词汇扩充
- concise 简明的 - succinct 简洁的 - terse 简洁的 - laconic 简洁的 - compact 紧凑的近义词
- succinct - terse - laconic - concise - compact反义词
- verbose 冗长的 - long-winded 冗长的 - wordy 冗长的名词
1. 髓;精髓 - the pith of an argument 论点的精髓词汇扩充
- essence 本质 - core 核心 - gist 要点 - marrow 骨髓近义词
- essence - core - gist - marrow反义词
- trivia 琐事 - superficiality 肤浅柯林斯词典
pithy (adj.)
Something that is pithy is short and full of meaning.
pithy (adj.)
(of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive.
- She gave a pithy speech that resonated with the audience. 她发表了一篇言简意赅、引起听众共鸣的演讲。 - The article is a pithy summary of the latest research findings. 这篇文章是对最新研究结果的简洁总结。 - He has a talent for coming up with pithy one-liners. 他擅长想出精辟的一句话。例句
- The professor's pithy comment encapsulated the entire lecture. 教授简洁的评论概括了整个讲座。
- Her pithy response silenced the room. 她简洁的回答使整个房间陷入了沉默。
- The author has a knack for writing pithy sentences. 这位作者擅长写简洁有力的句子。
- His pithy remarks always leave a lasting impression. 他的简洁评论总是给人留下深刻印象。
- She is known for her pithy and insightful observations. 她以简洁而富有洞察力的观察而闻名。
- The politician's pithy soundbite was quickly picked up by the media. 政治家简洁有力的口号很快被媒体关注。
- The book provides a pithy analysis of the current economic situation. 这本书对当前的经济形势进行了简洁的分析。
- The pithy slogan became a rallying cry for the protesters. 这个简洁的口号成为了抗议者的呐喊口号。
- Despite its pithy length, the poem conveys deep emotion. 尽管长度简洁,这首诗却传达了深刻的情感。
- His pithy remarks cut through the confusion and clarified the issue. 他简洁的评论消除了混乱,澄清了问题。
- The comedian is known for his pithy and hilarious jokes. 这位喜剧演员以他简洁而幽默的笑话而闻名。
- I always turn to her for pithy advice. 我总是向她寻求简洁的建议。
- The article provides a pithy overview of the current political landscape. 这篇文章对当前的政治格局进行了简洁的概述。
- His pithy writing style makes complex topics accessible to a wide audience. 他简洁的写作风格使复杂的主题能被广大读者理解。
- The speaker delivered a pithy and memorable speech. 演讲者发表了一篇简洁而令人难忘的演讲。
- The pithy statement captured the essence of the problem. 这个简洁的陈述捕捉到了问题的精髓。
- His pithy remarks often provoke thought and discussion. 他简洁的评论常常引发思考和讨论。
- The pithy quote sums up the entire article. 这个简洁的引语总结了整篇文章。
- She has a talent for crafting pithy headlines that grab readers' attention. 她擅长制作引人注目的简洁标题,吸引读者的注意力。
- His pithy advice stayed with me long after our conversation. 他简洁的建议在我们的交谈结束后仍然留在我的脑海中。