forward current
1. 正向电流的(forward current)
1. 正向电流(forward current)
forward current与其他相关术语的区别:
1. reverse current(反向电流):正向电流(forward current)和反向电流(reverse current)是两种相反方向的电流。
2. leakage current(漏电流):漏电流是指在一个电子元件或电路中不应存在的未预期的电流。
1. forward voltage(正向电压):在正向电流(forward current)下,两个电极之间的电压。
2. forward bias(正向偏置):将PN结的P端连接正极,N端连接负极的偏置方式。
1. direct current(直流电):电流的方向始终保持不变。
2. positive current(正电流):电流的方向与电子流动方向相同。
1. reverse current(反向电流):电流的方向与电子流动方向相反。
2. negative current(负电流):电流的方向与电子流动方向相反。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
forward current (noun)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
forward current (noun)
1. The forward current through this diode is 100 mA.
2. Increasing the forward current will result in a higher brightness of the LED.
- The forward current of the transistor should not exceed its maximum rating.
- 该晶体管的正向电流不应超过其最大额定值。
- Forward current is the current flowing through a diode in the forward direction.
- 正向电流是指通过二极管正向方向的电流。
- The forward current in this circuit is insufficient to power the motor.
- 该电路的正向电流不足以给电动机供电。
- Make sure to apply the correct forward current to the LED to avoid damage.
- 确保给LED施加正确的正向电流,以避免损坏。
- The manufacturer specifies a maximum forward current for the device.
- 制造商为该设备规定了最大正向电流。
- Increasing the forward current will result in a brighter display.
- 增加正向电流将导致显示屏更亮。
- When the forward current exceeds a certain value, the diode will enter breakdown.
- 当正向电流超过一定值时,二极管将进入击穿状态。
- The forward current-voltage relationship of a diode is nonlinear.
- 二极管的正向电流电压关系是非线性的。
- By adjusting the forward current, the intensity of the laser beam can be controlled.
- 通过调节正向电流,可以控制激光束的强度。
- Ensure that the forward current is within the specified range to prevent overheating.
- 确保正向电流在指定范围内,以防止过热。
- The forward current of the LED should be limited to avoid excessive power dissipation.
- 应限制LED的正向电流,以避免过多的功率损耗。
- The forward current is determined by the applied voltage and the resistance of the circuit.
- 正向电流由施加的电压和电路的电阻决定。
- Increasing the forward current will cause the temperature of the component to rise.
- 增加正向电流将导致元件温度升高。
- It is important to monitor the forward current to ensure proper operation of the device.
- 监控正向电流以确保设备正常运行非常重要。
- The forward current of the diode is directly proportional to the applied voltage.
- 二极管的正向电流与施加的电压成正比。
- When the forward current is too high, the diode may become damaged.
- 当正向电流过高时,二极管可能会损坏。
- The forward current is limited by the characteristics of the diode.
- 正向电流受二极管特性的限制。
- By adjusting the forward current, the brightness of the display can be fine-tuned.
- 通过调节正向电流,可以微调显示屏的亮度。
- Ensure that the forward current is stable to maintain consistent performance.
- 确保正向电流稳定,以保持一致的性能。
- The forward current should not exceed the maximum rating of the component.
- 正向电流不应超过元件的最大额定值。