founding father 与 founder 的区别:
founder 用来指创办或创建组织、公司或国家的个人或团体,而founding father 则特指被认为在其发展过程中至关重要的人物。
founding [noun]: the act or process of creating or establishing something. 创立;建立
founding [adverb]: at the beginning of something. 在创立时;在建立初期
founding [adjective]: relating to the act or process of creating or establishing something. 创立的;建立的
founder, originator, establisher, creator
successor, continuer, follower
founding father (noun): a person who establishes an institution, company, etc., often one regarded as a benefactor. 创始人
founding father (noun): a person who originates or is instrumental in the creation or early development of a political state, scientific field, etc. 创始人
founding father 可用于单数形式表示一个具体的创始人,也可以用于复数形式表示多个创始人。
- The founding fathers of the United States established a system of government that has lasted for centuries. (美国的创始人建立了一个持续了几个世纪的政府体系。)
- George Washington is considered one of the most important founding fathers of the United States. (乔治·华盛顿被认为是美国最重要的创始人之一。)
- Thomas Jefferson played a crucial role as a founding father in the formation of the United States. (托马斯·杰斐逊作为美国的创始人在美国的建立中起着至关重要的作用。)
- The founding principles of the organization are still followed today. (该组织的创立原则今天仍然被遵循。)
- During the founding years of the company, they faced many challenges. (在公司的创立年份里,他们面临着许多挑战。)
- She is a founding member of the club and has been involved since its establishment. (她是俱乐部的创始成员,自成立以来一直参与其中。)
- The founding ceremony of the organization will take place next week. (该组织的创立仪式将于下周举行。)
- The founding document of the country outlines its core values. (该国的创国文件概述了其核心价值观。)
- Benjamin Franklin is known as one of the founders of the United States. (本杰明·富兰克林被认为是美国的创办人之一。)
- Steve Jobs is considered the founder of Apple Inc. (史蒂夫·乔布斯被认为是苹果公司的创始人。)
- The originator of the theory is credited with its development. (这个理论的创始人被认为是其发展的功臣。)
- She is the establisher of a charity organization that helps disadvantaged children. (她是一家帮助贫困儿童的慈善组织的创立者。)
- He is known as the creator of the popular TV series. (他被誉为这个受欢迎电视系列的创作者。)