- rooks [形容词]:黑色的,乌黑的
- rooks [名词]:乌鸦(rook)的复数形式
- rooks [名词]:象棋中的车(rook)的复数形式
- rook:指的是乌鸦(一种鸟类)或象棋中的车子。
- rookery:乌鸦栖息地
- rookish:似乌鸦的,狡猾的
- crow:乌鸦
- raven:乌鸦
- chess piece:象棋棋子
- dove:鸽子
rook (ruːk)
Word forms: plural rooks
1. countable noun
A rook is a large black bird that has a rough, unpleasant call. Rooks build their nests in the tops of tall trees.
2. countable noun
In chess, the rooks are the two pieces that look like small towers and are placed in the corners of the board.
3. transitive verb
If someone is rooked, they are cheated or treated dishonestly.
4. transitive verb
If someone rooks you into doing something, they deceive you into doing it.
rook (ruːk)
1. A gregarious Eurasian crow with black plumage and a bare face, nesting in colonies in treetops.
2. A small Eurasian and African passerine bird with greenish-black plumage and a whitish bill, typically nesting in colonies in tree holes.
3. A chess piece, typically with its top in the shape of a battlement, that can move horizontally and vertically on any normal-sized board.
1. (rook someone in) Deceive or cheat someone.
2. (rook someone into) Persuade or manipulate someone into doing something.
3. Make off with someone's possessions without their permission.
- I saw a flock of rooks flying over the field.
- The rooks built their nests in the tall trees.
- He captured the opponent's rook in a strategic move.
- She felt rooked by the salesperson who sold her a faulty product.
- They rooked their customers into buying unnecessary insurance.
- I heard the harsh cawing of the rooks as they flew past.
- The rooks returned to their nests at dusk.
- He moved his rook to protect his king.
- Don't let yourself be rooked by those smooth-talking salespeople.
- She was rooked into signing a contract she didn't fully understand.
- The thief rooked the unsuspecting tourist out of his wallet.
- I watched a group of rooks pecking at the ground for worms.
- The rookery was filled with noisy nesting rooks.
- He strategically placed his rooks to control the center of the chessboard.
- The con artist rooked the elderly couple out of their life savings.
- The politician rooked the public into believing his false promises.
- She felt a pang of guilt after rooking her friend into covering for her.
- The rookish man offered to sell the stolen goods at a low price.
- Despite their similar appearance, ravens and rooks are separate species.
- The rook is a powerful piece that can control many squares on the chessboard.
- He rooked me out of my share of the inheritance by forging documents.
- The cunning fox rooked the chickens out of their eggs.
- He was rooked into participating in a scam without realizing it.
- The rookery was filled with the sound of squawking rooks.
- The rooks nested high in the treetops, away from predators.