subspecies [sʌbˈspi:ʃi:z] (adj.)
1. 亚种的;种的亚类的
2. 属于亚种的;种之下的
subspecies [sʌbˈspi:ʃi:z] (n.)
1. 亚种;种的亚类
2. 属于亚种的个体;种之下的个体
1. subspecific [sʌbˈspi:sɪfɪk] (adj.):亚种的;种的亚类的
2. subspecifically [sʌbˈspi:sɪfɪkəli] (adv.):就亚种而言,亚种地
3. subspecies differentiation:亚种分化
variety, race, breed, strain, type
species, whole, entirety
subspecies [sʌbˈspi:ʃi:z] (n.)
A subspecies is a group of related animals, plants, or birds that is smaller and is considered to be slightly different from other animals, plants, or birds of the same species.
subspecies [sʌbˈspi:ʃi:z] (n.)
A subspecies is a group of related plants or animals which is smaller in some way than the main group of plants or animals of that kind, and is usually found in a particular area.
1. The subspecies of the bird has adapted to the harsh climate of the mountains. (这种鸟的亚种已经适应了严酷的山地气候。)
2. The study focuses on the genetic differences between subspecies. (这项研究侧重于亚种之间的遗传差异。)
- This plant is a subspecies of the common lavender. (这种植物是普通薰衣草的一个亚种。)
- The subspecies of the tiger found in the region is smaller in size. (该地区发现的虎的亚种尺寸较小。)
- The researchers discovered a new subspecies of frog in the rainforest. (研究人员在雨林中发现了一种新的蛙亚种。)
- There are several subspecies of the butterfly that vary in color and pattern. (有几个蝴蝶亚种的颜色和图案不同。)
- The subspecies of the plant has adapted to survive in extreme temperatures. (这种植物的亚种已经适应了在极端温度下生存。)
- The subspecies of the bird has a distinct call that differs from the main species. (这种鸟的亚种有一个与主要物种不同的独特叫声。)
- The subspecies of the snake is only found in this specific region. (这种蛇的亚种只在这个特定地区发现。)
- The two subspecies of the animal have different mating behaviors. (这种动物的两个亚种有不同的交配行为。)
- Scientists are studying the genetic makeup of the subspecies to understand their evolutionary history. (科学家正在研究亚种的基因组成,以了解它们的进化历史。)
- The subspecies of the fish has adapted unique fins for swimming in fast-flowing rivers. (这种鱼的亚种已经适应了在快速流动的河流中游泳的独特鳍。)
- Conservation efforts are being made to protect the endangered subspecies of the plant. (正在进行保护工作,以保护这种植物的濒临灭绝的亚种。)
- The subspecies of the insect has a shorter lifespan compared to the main species. (与主要物种相比,这种昆虫的亚种寿命较短。)
- The subspecies of the tree has adapted to thrive in nutrient-poor soil. (这种树的亚种已经适应在养分贫瘠的土壤中茁壮成长。)
- The subspecies of the flower blooms later in the year than the main species. (这种花的亚种比主要物种在年底开花。)
- The subspecies of the mammal has a different fur coloration. (这种哺乳动物的亚种具有不同的毛发颜色。)
- The researchers are conducting a study on the behavior patterns of the subspecies. (研究人员正在进行一项关于亚种行为模式的研究。)
- The subspecies of the reptile has a unique pattern on its scales. (这种爬行动物的亚种鳞片上有独特的斑纹。)
- The subspecies of the bird has adapted its beak shape to feed on specific types of insects. (这种鸟的亚种已经适应了其喙形状,以捕食特定类型的昆虫。)
- The subspecies of the plant has a higher tolerance for drought conditions. (这种植物的亚种对干旱条件具有较高的耐受性。)
- The subspecies of the butterfly has a longer lifespan than the main species. (这种蝴蝶的亚种寿命比主要物种长。)