中英词典 - Summation
1. 形容词
a. summative [sʌmˈeɪtɪv]用法:表示总结或总和的,总结性的
- His summative report highlighted the key findings of the research.
- 他的总结报告强调了研究的关键发现。
2. 名词
a. summation [sʌˈmeɪʃən]用法:表示总和、总结或总计的过程或结果
- The summation of the sales figures revealed a significant increase in revenue.
- 销售数据的总计显示出收入显著增长。
3. 词语辨析
a. addition [əˈdɪʃən]用法:表示加法,加和的操作或结果,常用于数学领域
- The addition of the new department will enhance the company's capabilities.
- 增设新部门将增强公司的能力。
4. 词汇扩充
a. total [ˈtoʊtl]用法:表示总数、全部或总体,强调全面性
- The total cost of the project exceeded the initial estimate.
- 该项目的总成本超过了最初的估计。
- The aggregate demand for the product has been steadily increasing.
- 该产品的总需求一直在稳步增长。
5. 近义词
- totality [toʊˈtæləti]
- entirety [ɪnˈtaɪərəti]
- accumulation [əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃən]
6. 反义词
- subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən]
- deduction [dɪˈdʌkʃən]
7. 柯林斯词典
sum-ma-tion [sʌˈmeɪʃən]
- The act or process of adding things together.
- (数学) The process by which the total of several amounts is obtained; addition.
- A summary or overview of something.
8. 牛津词典
sum-ma-tion [sʌˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]
- The process of adding things together.
- (数学) The process of adding numbers or amounts together to get a total.
- A summary or overview.
9. 用法
Summation is commonly used in mathematics, statistics, and scientific contexts to refer to the process of adding numbers or amounts together to obtain a total. It can also be used more generally to describe the act of summarizing or providing an overview of something.
10. 相关例句
- The summation of all the data points will yield the final result. (总和)
- Please provide a summative assessment of the project. (总结性的)
- We need to perform a summation of the costs before making a decision. (总计)
- The summation of the research findings is presented in the conclusion section. (总结)
- The summation of the sales figures revealed a positive trend. (总和)
- Her report provided a comprehensive summation of the current market conditions. (总结)
- The summation of the experiment results confirmed the hypothesis. (总计)
- The teacher asked the students to provide a summative evaluation of the course. (总结性的)
- After hours of calculations, he finally arrived at the correct summation. (总和)
- The summation of the evidence pointed to the suspect's guilt. (总结)
- His summative remarks captured the essence of the discussion. (总结性的)
- The summation of the financial data showed a significant increase in profits. (总计)
- The court's summation of the case was fair and balanced. (总结)
- She gave a concise summation of the main points. (总结)
- The summation of the votes determined the winner of the election. (总计)
- His summative feedback was helpful in improving my performance. (总结性的)
- The summation of the survey responses indicated a high level of satisfaction. (总和)
- The summation of the arguments led to a conclusive decision. (总结)
- Her summative analysis provided valuable insights into the problem. (总结性的)
- The summation of the company's annual report revealed positive growth. (总计)