1. growon - 中文:粗糙的,有毛刺的 - 英文:rough, prickly名词
1. growon - 中文:凸起物,突出物 - 英文:protuberance, projection 2. growon - 中文:讨厌的人,讨厌的事物 - 英文:annoying person, irritating thing词语辨析
1. growon vs rough - growon强调表面粗糙有毛刺,而rough强调表面不光滑。 - 例句: - The growon surface of the tree bark scratched my hand. (树皮粗糙的表面擦伤了我的手。) - The rough texture of the sandpaper helped smooth out the wood. (砂纸的粗糙质感有助于修平木材。)词汇扩充
1. grow on someone/something - 中文:逐渐喜欢上某人/某事物 - 英文:to begin to like someone or something gradually over time - 例句: - The new TV show took a few episodes to grow on me, but now I'm hooked. (这个新的电视节目让我需要几集才喜欢上,但现在我迷上了。) 2. growl - 中文:咆哮,低吼 - 英文:to make a low guttural sound of hostility or anger - 例句: - The dog started to growl when a stranger approached the house. (当一个陌生人靠近房子时,狗开始低吼。)近义词
1. rough - 中文:粗糙的 - 英文:coarse, uneven - 例句: - The rough surface of the road caused the bicycle to shake. (道路的粗糙表面使得自行车颤抖。) 2. prickly - 中文:多刺的 - 英文:spiky, thorny - 例句: - The prickly cactus should be handled with caution. (多刺的仙人掌应谨慎处理。)反义词
1. smooth - 中文:光滑的 - 英文:even, sleek - 例句: - The smooth surface of the water reflected the blue sky. (水的平滑表面映射出蓝天。)柯林斯词典
growon - 中文:无相关信息 - 英文:NO ENTRY牛津词典
growon - 中文:无相关信息 - 英文:NO ENTRY用法
- The growon surface of the tree bark scratched my hand. (树皮粗糙的表面擦伤了我的手。)
- The rough texture of the sandpaper helped smooth out the wood. (砂纸的粗糙质感有助于修平木材。)
- The growon on the wall was a result of poor plastering. (墙上的凸起物是由于糟糕的抹灰工艺。)
- She found the growon on the fabric irritating to her skin. (她觉得织物上的粗糙很刺激她的皮肤。)
- The growon of the cactus can cause injury if touched. (仙人掌的刺可以在触摸时造成伤害。)
- It took some time for the new flavor to grow on me, but now I enjoy it. (新口味花了一些时间我才逐渐喜欢上,但现在我很喜欢。)
- The dog started to growl when a stranger approached the house. (当一个陌生人靠近房子时,狗开始低吼。)
- The rough surface of the road caused the bicycle to shake. (道路的粗糙表面使得自行车颤抖。)
- The prickly cactus should be handled with caution. (多刺的仙人掌应谨慎处理。)
- The smooth surface of the water reflected the blue sky. (水的平滑表面映射出蓝天。)
- After spending more time together, their friendship began to grow on me. (在一起待的时间越久,我们的友谊越加深厚。)
- He was annoyed by the growon behavior of his coworker. (他对他的同事讨厌的行为感到恼火。)
- The growon on the wall needed to be sanded down before painting. (墙上的凸起物在涂漆前需要打磨平。)
- The rough edges of the table were sanded to make them smooth. (桌子的粗糙边缘经过打磨变得光滑。)
- She found the prickly texture of the fabric uncomfortable against her skin. (她觉得织物的多刺质感对她的皮肤不舒服。)
- He couldn't stand the annoying growon of his neighbor's loud music. (他无法忍受邻居大声音乐的讨厌的噪音。)
- The growon of the tree branch made it difficult to climb. (树枝上的突出物使得攀爬困难。)
- The rough sandpaper helped remove the old paint from the wall. (粗糙的砂纸有助于去除墙壁上的旧油漆。)
- The growon on the fabric scratched her arm when she brushed against it. (当她擦过织物时,凸起物划伤了她的手臂。)
- He found the growon of the carpet uncomfortable to walk on with bare feet. (他觉得赤脚踩在地毯上的凸起物很不舒服。)
- The growon on the tree trunk provided a hiding place for insects. (树干上的凸起物为昆虫提供了一个藏身之处。)