形容词 1. 中文翻译:二手的,旧的英文释义:previously owned or used by another person; not new
词汇扩充:secondhand car(二手车),secondhand clothes(二手衣物)
近义词:used, pre-owned, previously owned
反义词:new, brand new, unused 2. 中文翻译:间接的,非直接的
英文释义:obtained from or influenced by someone else rather than directly experienced
词汇扩充:secondhand knowledge(间接知识),secondhand information(间接信息)
近义词:indirect, derived, vicarious
反义词:direct, firsthand, immediate 名词 1. 中文翻译:二手货
英文释义:an item that is not new and has been previously owned or used by another person
词汇扩充:buy/sell secondhand(买卖二手货)
近义词:used goods, secondhand goods
反义词:new goods, brand new items
- 柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)解释: 1. An item that is secondhand has already been owned by one person and is now being owned or used by another person. 2. Secondhand actions or experiences are not directly known about or felt by you, but are learned about from other people or from books, films, etc. - 牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)解释: 1. (of goods) having had a previous owner; not new. 2. (of information or experience) accepted from someone else rather than directly known or experienced.用法示例
1. I bought a secondhand bike from my neighbor.我从邻居那里买了一辆二手自行车。 2. She prefers to buy secondhand clothes rather than new ones.
她更喜欢买二手衣服而不是新的。 3. The car dealership sells both new and secondhand cars.
这家汽车经销商既卖新车又卖二手车。 4. He gained secondhand knowledge about the incident from his friend.
他从朋友那里间接了解到这起事件的情况。 5. Reading books is a way to gain secondhand experiences.
阅读是获取间接经验的一种方式。 6. Many people donate secondhand furniture to charity organizations.
许多人将二手家具捐赠给慈善机构。 7. I found a great deal on a secondhand laptop online.
我在网上找到了一台二手笔记本的超值交易。 8. The secondhand bookshop is a treasure trove for book lovers.
二手书店是书迷的宝藏。 9. We need to clean and repair the secondhand toys before selling them.
我们需要在出售之前清洁和修复二手玩具。 10. The secondhand information he received was unreliable.
他得到的间接信息是靠不住的。 11. She loves shopping at secondhand stores because of the unique items they offer.
她喜欢在二手店购物,因为那里有独特的物品。 12. The secondhand smoke from cigarettes can be harmful to one's health.
香烟的二手烟对健康有害。 13. He bought a secondhand guitar and started learning to play it.
他买了一把二手吉他并开始学着弹奏。 14. The secondhand market for luxury goods is thriving.
奢侈品的二手市场蓬勃发展。 15. They opened a secondhand bookstore in the city center.
他们在市中心开了一家二手书店。 16. The secondhand car had low mileage and was in good condition.
这辆二手车里程数低,状况良好。 17. The smell of secondhand books always brings back nostalgic memories.
二手书的气味总是勾起怀旧的回忆。 18. She decided to sell her secondhand clothes at a garage sale.
她决定在庭院拍卖会上卖掉她的二手衣服。 19. The secondhand market is a great place to find unique and affordable items.
二手市场是寻找独特且价廉物品的好地方。 20. He bought a secondhand camera and started practicing photography.