- 微生物(名词,可数/不可数)- 微小的生物体,包括细菌、病毒和真菌等。
- 微生物群(名词,可数)- 一组微生物的总称。
- 微生物学(名词,不可数)- 研究微生物的科学领域。
microbes, microorganisms, bacteria, germs这些词在很大程度上可以互换使用,指的都是微生物。但是,microbes更常用于科学和学术文献,microorganisms更常用于一般性描述,bacteria更常用于描述细菌,germs则常指致病微生物。
微生物学家(microbiologist),感染(infection),传染(contagion),免疫系统(immune system),病原体(pathogen),疾病(disease),抗生素(antibiotics),生物技术(biotechnology)
microorganisms, bacteria, germs
microbes (名词) - 微生物
microbes (名词) - 微生物
Microbes are tiny organisms that cannot be seen without a microscope.(微生物是肉眼无法看见的微小生物。)
Some microbes can cause diseases, while others are beneficial for the environment.(一些微生物可以引起疾病,而其他微生物对环境有益。)
- The microscope revealed a world teeming with diverse microbes.(显微镜下展示了一个充满各种微生物的世界。)
- Microbes play a crucial role in the decomposition of organic matter.(微生物在有机物的分解过程中起着至关重要的作用。)
- Regular handwashing helps to prevent the spread of harmful microbes.(定期洗手有助于防止有害微生物的传播。)
- Scientists are studying the genetic makeup of these microbes.(科学家正在研究这些微生物的基因组成。)
- Antibiotics are used to kill or inhibit the growth of certain microbes.(抗生素被用来杀灭或抑制某些微生物的生长。)
- Some microbes are capable of surviving in extreme environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents.(一些微生物能够在极端环境中生存,如深海热液喷口。)
- Microbes are essential for the fermentation process in the production of certain foods, such as yogurt and cheese.(微生物在某些食品(如酸奶和奶酪)的发酵过程中起着至关重要的作用。)
- The lab technician used a sterile technique to avoid contaminating the samples with external microbes.(实验室技术人员使用无菌技术,以避免样品被外部微生物污染。)
- Microbes can be found in various habitats, including soil, water, and even inside the human body.(微生物可以在各种栖息地中找到,包括土壤、水体,甚至人体内部。)
- Understanding the interactions between different microbes is important for studying ecosystems.(理解不同微生物之间的相互作用对于研究生态系统非常重要。)
- Some microbes produce enzymes that can break down complex organic compounds.(一些微生物能够产生能够分解复杂有机化合物的酶。)
- The presence of microbes in water sources can indicate contamination and potential health risks.(水源中微生物的存在可能表示污染和潜在的健康风险。)
- Microbes are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions through genetic mutations.(微生物能够通过基因突变适应不断变化的环境条件。)
- Researchers are exploring the potential of using certain microbes in bioremediation to clean up polluted sites.(研究人员正在探索使用某些微生物在生物修复中清理污染场地的潜力。)
- Microbes are involved in the production of many antibiotics that are used to treat bacterial infections.(微生物参与了许多用于治疗细菌感染的抗生素的生产。)
- Some microbes have the ability to produce bioluminescence, creating a glowing effect in certain environments.(一些微生物具有产生生物发光的能力,在某些环境中产生发光效果。)
- Microbes in the gut play a role in digestion and can influence overall health.(肠道微生物在消化过程中起着作用,并可以影响整体健康。)
- The study of ancient microbes preserved in fossils provides insights into early life on Earth.(对保存在化石中的古代微生物的研究能够揭示地球上早期生命的信息。)
- Microbes are used in the production of biofuels, such as ethanol, through fermentation processes.(通过发酵过程,微生物被用于生产生物燃料,如乙醇。)
- Scientists are researching the potential of using microbes to break down plastic waste and reduce pollution.(科学家正在研究使用微生物分解塑料废物和减少污染的潜力。)