1. 连续的;相继的 2. 继任的;接替的名词
1. 连续发生的事物 2. 继任者;接替者词语辨析
successively (副词) successiveness (名词)近义词
consecutive, sequential, ensuing, continuous, progressive反义词
non-successive, non-consecutive柯林斯词典
形容词 1. If there have been a number of successive events, incidents, or stages of something, they have happened one after the other without interruption. 2. A successive government, ruler, or holder of an official position is followed by another one of the same kind. 名词 1. Successives are events or things that have happened or been done one after the other without interruption. 2. A successive is someone who is succeeded by another person in a position or job.牛津词典
形容词 1. Following one another or following others. 2. Coming after another in a series. 名词 1. A number of things or events following one another in order. 2. A person who follows another in an office or job.用法
- The team won the championship for the successive year. - He has been the company's successive CEO for the past decade. - The successives of the company have all faced similar challenges. - The successive ruler of the kingdom was known for his wise decisions.例句
- They won successive victories in the tournament.他们在锦标赛中连续获胜。
- The company has had three successive years of growth.该公司连续三年实现增长。
- The successive waves of immigrants shaped the city's cultural diversity.连续的移民潮塑造了这座城市的文化多样性。
- She was the successive editor-in-chief of the magazine.她是该杂志的连续主编。
- His successor took over the role and continued the work.他的继任者接管了这个角色并继续工作。
- The successors of the ancient civilization built upon its achievements.古代文明的继任者在其成就的基础上建立了新的文明。
- The successive governments failed to address the issue effectively.连续的政府未能有效解决这个问题。
- After a series of successives, it was time for a change.经过一系列的连任,是时候做出改变了。
- He is the successive leader of the organization.他是该组织的连续领导者。
- Each successive version of the software improved upon the previous one.每个连续的软件版本都在前一个版本的基础上进行了改进。
- The successive stages of the project were completed on time.项目的连续阶段都按时完成了。
- The successiveness of the events created a sense of anticipation.事件的连续性产生了一种期待感。
- The consecutive days of rain caused flooding in the area.连续几天的降雨导致该地区发生洪水。
- The team has won five consecutive matches.该队连续赢得了五场比赛。
- His consecutive failures discouraged him from trying again.他连续的失败使他不再尝试。
- She is the first woman to hold the position in consecutive terms.她是连续两届担任该职位的首位女性。
- They are in the process of planning the sequential steps.他们正在计划连续的步骤。
- The sequential order of the chapters is important for understanding the book.理解该书的重要性在于章节的连续顺序。
- He explained the sequential process in great detail.他详细解释了连续的过程。
- The ensuing events were unexpected.随后发生的事件是意想不到的。
- After the meeting, the ensuing discussion clarified many points.会议后,随后的讨论澄清了许多问题。