1. screwup (adj.) - 搞砸的;搞错的;失败的 - 【同义词】mistaken, faulty, flawed 2. screwup (adj.) - 糟糕的;糟糕透顶的 - 【同义词】terrible, awful, dreadful【名词】
1. screwup (n.) - 失败者;失败的人 - 【同义词】failure, loser, bungler 2. screwup (n.) - 失误;错误 - 【同义词】blunder, mistake, error【词语辨析】
screwup vs. mistake
1. screw up (v.)
2. screwupery (n.)
1. blunder (n.)
2. mistake (n.)
3. failure (n.)
success (n.)
screwup (n.)
An individual who is habitually unsuccessful, particularly in their professional or personal life.
screw up (phrasal verb)
1. To cause something to fail or be spoiled because of a mistake.
2. To tighten or fasten something by means of a screw.
1. He's a complete screwup. (他完全是个失败者。)
2. I made a screwup at work and now I'm in trouble. (我在工作中犯了个错误,现在我有麻烦了。)
3. Don't screw up this opportunity. (不要搞砸这个机会。)
4. Her screwupery led to the project's failure. (她的失败行为导致了项目的失败。)
5. The company's financial screwup cost them millions. (公司的财务失误让他们损失了数百万。)
6. He always seems to make the same mistakes. (他似乎总是犯着同样的错误。)
7. The team's blunder cost them the game. (团队的大错让他们输掉了比赛。)
8. She's a failure in everything she does. (她在做的事情上都是个失败者。)
- He's such a screwup; he can't even follow simple instructions. (他真是个失败者,连简单的指示都无法遵循。)
- The project was a screwup from the beginning. (这个项目从一开始就是个失败。)
- Don't screw up this opportunity; it could be your last chance. (不要搞砸这个机会,它可能是你最后的机会。)
- Her constant mistakes at work eventually got her fired. (她在工作中频繁的错误最终让她被解雇了。)
- We can't afford any more blunders like the one you made yesterday. (我们再也承受不起像你昨天犯的那种大错了。)
- His failure to meet the deadline resulted in the project's cancellation. (他未能按时完成任务导致了项目被取消。)
- She always manages to screw up even the simplest tasks. (她总是设法把最简单的任务都搞砸。)
- His constant screwupery caused the team to lose faith in him. (他频繁的失败行为让团队对他失去了信任。)
- Don't let your screwups define you; learn from them and move forward. (不要让你的失败定义你;从中吸取教训并继续前进。)
- The company's financial screwup led to massive layoffs. (公司的财务失误导致了大规模的裁员。)
- His success in the business world is a stark contrast to his screwup in his personal life. (他在商界的成功与他在个人生活中的失败形成了鲜明对比。)
- She's always afraid of making a mistake, so she never takes risks. (她总是害怕犯错误,所以从不冒险。)
- The team's blunder in the final minutes of the game cost them the championship. (比赛最后几分钟的团队大错让他们失去了冠军。)
- Despite his failures, he never gives up and keeps trying. (尽管他失败了,但他从不放弃,一直在努力。)
- He always finds a way to screw up even the simplest tasks. (他总是设法把最简单的任务都搞砸。)
- Her constant screwupery has caused a lot of problems for the team. (她持续的失败行为给团队带来了很多问题。)
- Don't let your past mistakes define your future. (不要让过去的错误决定你的未来。)
- His blunders on stage made the audience laugh. (他在舞台上的大错让观众笑了起来。)
- His repeated failures have made him question his own abilities. (他一次次的失败让他对自己的能力产生了怀疑。)
- I really hope you don't screw up this opportunity; it could change your life. (我真的希望你不要搞砸这个机会,它可能改变你的生活。)
- Her screwups at work have caused a lot of problems for the team. (她在工作中的失败行为给团队带来了很多问题。)