1. notification [n.] 通知,通告
2. notification [n.] 通知书,告示
3. notification [n.] 通知机制,通知服务
notification 和 announcement 的区别在于,notification 侧重于官方或正式的通知,而announcement 则更广泛地指任何形式的公告或通告。
1. notify [v.] 通知,告知
2. notifier [n.] 通知人,告知者
3. unnotify [v.] 撤销通知
notification [noun]
1. The act of notifying or the state of being notified.
2. A formal announcement or warning.
3. A piece of written information, such as an email, that serves to notify.
notification [noun]
1. The action of notifying someone or something.
2. A formal or official announcement or warning.
3. A message or update that serves to notify.
notification 通常用作名词,表示正式的通知或告示。也可作为形容词 notificatory 使用,表示与通知相关的。
- I received a notification that my package has arrived.(我收到一个通知,说我的包裹已经到了。)
- Please check your email for the notification regarding the meeting time change.(请检查你的电子邮件,获取有关会议时间更改的通知。)
- The school sent out a notification to all parents about the upcoming event.(学校向所有家长发出了一份关于即将到来的活动的通知。)
- The notificatory message reminded me of the upcoming deadline for the project.(这条通知性的消息提醒我即将到来的项目截止日期。)
- She received a notification from the bank about the changes in her account.(她收到了一封银行发来的有关账户变更的通知。)
- The notification was posted on the bulletin board for everyone to see.(通知被张贴在公告板上供大家查看。)
- He set up notifications on his phone to remind him of important appointments.(他在手机上设置了通知,提醒自己重要的约会。)
- After the earthquake, the government issued a notification advising people to stay away from damaged buildings.(地震发生后,政府发布了一份通知,建议人们远离受损建筑物。)
- The notification of his promotion came as a pleasant surprise.(他晋升的通知给他带来了惊喜。)
- Make sure you enable notifications for the app so that you don't miss any important updates.(确保你为这个应用程序开启了通知,这样你就不会错过任何重要的更新。)
- She glanced at her phone when she heard the notification sound.(她听到通知声时瞥了一眼手机。)
- The notification stated that the event has been postponed due to bad weather.(通知中说明由于天气恶劣,活动已被推迟。)
- We received a notification from the airline informing us of the flight cancellation.(航空公司向我们发送了一封通知,告知我们航班取消的消息。)
- He set up a notification system to keep track of any changes in stock prices.(他建立了一个通知系统,以便追踪股票价格的任何变动。)
- She received a notification on her phone reminding her to take her medication.(她收到了一条提醒她服药的手机通知。)
- The notificatory email contained all the necessary information for the upcoming conference.(这封通知性的电子邮件包含了即将举行的会议的所有必要信息。)
- He set up notifications for news updates from his favorite website.(他为他最喜欢的网站的新闻更新设置了通知。)
- We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late notification of the event cancellation.(对活动取消的通知迟到给您带来的不便我们深感抱歉。)
- She received a notification on her computer screen about the low battery status.(她在电脑屏幕上收到了一条有关低电量状态的通知。)
- Please ensure that you have enabled notifications for this app in your device settings.(请确保您在设备设置中为此应用程序开启了通知。)
- He missed the notification about the change in meeting location and ended up at the wrong place.(他错过了有关会议地点变更的通知,结果来到了错误的地方。)