形容词- (对正常运行、发展等)有干扰作用的,扰乱的
- (行为)引起混乱的,破坏性的
- (技术、产品等)具有颠覆性的
- (学生)行为不端的,有破坏性的
- 有破坏力的人或事物
- 在学校中表现不良的学生
- If you describe something as disruptive, you mean that it causes difficulties and prevents something from continuing or operating in a normal way.
- A disruptive is a person who deliberately causes difficulties in a group or organization in order to achieve a result they want.
- Causing or tending to cause disruption.
- A person or thing that disrupts an established order or normal functioning, typically in a disruptive way.
- The company introduced a disruptive technology that revolutionized the industry.
- Her disruptive behavior in class led to her suspension.
- The strike caused many disruptives in the organization.
- He was known as a disruptive and troublemaking student.
- The construction noise from the nearby site is disruptive to our daily lives. (从附近工地传来的施工噪音扰乱了我们的日常生活。)
- The new technology has the potential to be highly disruptive to the existing market. (这项新技术有可能对现有市场产生高度颠覆性的影响。)
- Her constant interruptions were disruptive to the flow of the meeting. (她不停地打断会议的进程,扰乱了会议的进行。)
- He was sent to the principal's office for his disruptive behavior in the classroom. (因为他在教室里的破坏行为,他被送到校长办公室。)
- The company implemented disruptive strategies to gain a competitive advantage. (该公司采取了颠覆性的战略来获取竞争优势。)
- The disruptive student was eventually expelled from the school. (这个行为不端的学生最终被学校开除了。)
- The introduction of smartphones has had a disruptive impact on the traditional camera industry. (智能手机的引入对传统相机行业产生了颠覆性的影响。)
- The protests escalated into disruptive riots, causing widespread chaos in the city. (抗议活动升级为破坏性的骚乱,导致城市普遍混乱。)
- His disruptive behavior in class is affecting the other students' ability to learn. (他在课堂上的破坏行为影响了其他学生的学习能力。)
- The disruptive technology has completely changed the way we communicate. (这种颠覆性的技术完全改变了我们的交流方式。)
- The teacher had to separate the disruptive students to maintain order in the classroom. (为了保持课堂秩序,老师不得不分开这些行为不端的学生。)
- The company's disruptive innovation has revolutionized the healthcare industry. (该公司的颠覆性创新彻底改变了医疗行业。)
- The disruptive noise from the construction site disturbed the residents' peace. (建筑工地传来的噪音扰乱了居民的宁静。)
- The disruptive student was given detention for his disruptive behavior in class. (这个行为不端的学生因为在课堂上的破坏行为被留校查看。)
- The company faced disruptive challenges from new competitors entering the market. (该公司面临着新竞争对手进入市场带来的颠覆性挑战。)
- Her disruptive attitude towards authority figures often gets her into trouble. (她对权威人物的破坏性态度经常给她惹上麻烦。)
- The disruptive students were given a warning and asked to improve their behavior. (这些行为不端的学生被警告并要求改善他们的行为。)
- The company's disruptive marketing campaign caused a stir in the industry. (该公司的颠覆性营销活动在行业内引起了轰动。)
- The teacher tried different strategies to manage the disruptive students in her classroom. (老师尝试了不同的策略来管理她课堂上的破坏行为的学生。)
- The disruptive effects of climate change are becoming more evident. (气候变化的破坏性影响越来越明显。)
- His disruptive behavior at work led to his dismissal from the company. (他在工作中的破坏行为导致他被公司解雇。)