中英词典 - professions
- 职业的;专业的
- 以专业方式从事的
- 熟练的;内行的
- 职业;行业
- (尤指需要较长时间的)专业训练
- 宣称;表露
职业 (occupation) 是指一个人从事的工作或职责。行业 (industry) 是指一组相互关联的职业或企业。专业 (profession) 是指需要特定知识、技能和道德标准的职业。
professor, lawyer, doctor, engineer, architect, accountant, nurse, teacher, musician, artist
vocation, trade, calling, career, job, occupation
amateur, hobbyist
- Professions are occupations which require special training or skill, especially one which requires a high level of education.
- Profession is the work, especially social work, that people do to earn money.
- Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training, education, or skill.
- A professional person is engaged in a particular activity as their main paid job rather than as a hobby.
- A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
- A body of people engaged in a particular profession.
- Relating to or belonging to a profession.
- Engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
1. My brother is a professional photographer.
2. Teaching is a respected profession.
3. She decided to pursue a career in the medical profession.
4. He is a professional in his field.
1. 他的职业是一名律师。
(His profession is a lawyer.)
2. 我们应该尊重各种职业,并且不应该轻视任何一个职业。
(We should respect all professions and not look down on any of them.)
3. 老师是一个值得尊敬的职业。
(Being a teacher is a respectable profession.)
4. 我的爸爸是一名医生。
(My dad is a doctor.)
5. 她是一位建筑师。
(She is an architect.)
6. 这个职业需要很高的专业技能。
(This profession requires a high level of professional skills.)
7. 她成为一名教师已经有十年了。
(She has been in the teaching profession for ten years.)
8. 他是一位非常有经验的会计师。
(He is a very experienced accountant.)
9. 医护人员是在护理病人方面非常专业的。
(Nurses are very professional in caring for patients.)
10. 这个音乐家在演奏上非常出色。
(This musician is very professional in performing.)
11. 艺术家们的创作非常有才华。
(Artists are very talented in their profession.)
12. 我们的教师都非常尽职。
(Our teachers are all very dedicated.)
13. 他选择了电影行业作为他的职业。
(He chose the film industry as his profession.)
14. 你是一名专业运动员吗?
(Are you a professional athlete?)
15. 她已经从事这个职业很久了。
(She has been in this profession for a long time.)
16. 这个行业需要很多专业知识。
(This industry requires a lot of professional knowledge.)
17. 这个国家的医疗保健行业非常发达。
(The healthcare industry in this country is very advanced.)
18. 教育是一个重要的职业。
(Education is an important profession.)
19. 她选择了音乐作为她的职业。
(She chose music as her profession.)
20. 我们应该尊重每个人的职业选择。
(We should respect everyone's career choice.)