1. 宏伟壮丽的;堂皇的【同义词】 majestic, splendid, magnificent
【反义词】 humble, modest
【词汇扩充】 grand, grandiose, imposing
2. 堂堂正正的;庄严的
【同义词】 stately, dignified, noble
【反义词】 casual, informal
【词汇扩充】 regal, majestic, imposing
3. 巨大的;重大的
【同义词】 huge, massive, vast
【反义词】 small, tiny
【词汇扩充】 colossal, immense, substantial
1. 盛大的音乐会【同义词】 concert, recital, performance
2. (在马戏团中的)大把式
【同义词】 big top, large circus tent, main tent
grandest - 形容词
1. 宏伟壮丽的;堂皇的。
2. 堂堂正正的;庄严的。
【同义词】 majestic, splendid, imposing
【反义词】 humble, modest
grandest - 形容词
1. 宏伟壮丽的;堂皇的。
2. 堂堂正正的;庄严的。
【同义词】 majestic, splendid, magnificent
【反义词】 humble, modest
- The grandest building in the city is the new opera house. 这座城市最宏伟壮丽的建筑是新歌剧院。
- She lived in a grand house overlooking the ocean. 她住在一座俯瞰大海的豪华别墅。
- The event was held in the grandest ballroom of the hotel. 活动在酒店最豪华的舞厅举行。
- The queen made a grand entrance into the hall. 女王庄严地走进大厅。
- The president delivered a grand speech at the ceremony. 总统在典礼上发表了一篇庄严的演讲。
- She walked with a grand air, as if she owned the place. 她走路时态度庄严,仿佛自己是这个地方的主人。
- The project aims to achieve grand results within a short period of time. 该项目旨在短时间内取得巨大成果。
- They made a grand total of two hundred dollars from the sale. 他们从销售中总共赚了两百美元。
- His work has had a grand impact on the field of science. 他的工作对科学领域产生了重大影响。
- We attended the grandest of symphony concerts last night. 昨晚我们参加了最盛大的交响音乐会。
- She has been invited to perform in a grand at the opera house. 她被邀请在歌剧院演出一场盛大的表演。
- The acrobats performed their daring stunts in the grandest of the circus. 杂技演员在马戏团的大把式中进行了大胆的特技表演。
- The grandest was filled with laughter and applause as the audience enjoyed the show. 马戏团的大把式充满了欢笑和掌声,观众们享受着表演。