形容词- 变薄的;变细的
- 减弱的;削弱的
- 稀释的;淡化的
- 变薄;变细
- 减弱;削弱
- 稀释;淡化
attenuation (名词):衰减,减弱
attenuator (名词):衰减器
- weaken:削弱
- diminish:减少
- reduce:减少
- wean:断奶,戒除
- intensify:加强
- strengthen:加强
- enhance:增强
- augment:增加
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- If you attenuate something, you reduce it or make it weaker.
- If you attenuate a force or effect, you make it less powerful or noticeable.
- Something that is attenuated is thin or weak.
- If you attenuate a substance, especially a liquid or a gas, you make it thinner or weaker by adding water or another liquid to it.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- Reduce the force, effect, or value of.
- Make thin or slender.
- Reduced in force, effect, or physical thickness.
- Of a person, especially a man, very slender or thin.
- The drug attenuates the growth of cancer cells.(这种药物减缓了癌细胞的生长。)
- The sound of the waves was attenuated by the thick glass windows.(海浪的声音被厚厚的玻璃窗减弱了。)
- The attenuated stream flowed gently through the meadow.(细流柔和地流过草地。)
- The attenuated sunlight filtered through the dense forest canopy.(稀薄的阳光透过茂密的森林枝叶筛选而过。)
- The company plans to attenuate its workforce through voluntary redundancies.(公司计划通过自愿裁员来减少员工人数。)
- She felt an attenuated connection to her distant relatives.(她感觉与远房亲戚之间的联系变得淡薄了。)
- The attenuated vaccine is less potent but safer.(这种减毒疫苗效力较弱,但更安全。)
- The attenuated version of the virus is used in the vaccine.(疫苗中使用了病毒的减毒版本。)
- His attenuated frame indicated years of malnourishment.(他消瘦的身躯显示出多年营养不良。)
- She was a small, attenuated woman, barely visible in the crowd.(她是一个纤瘦的女人,在人群中几乎看不见。)
- The drug effectively attenuated the symptoms of the disease.(这种药物有效地减轻了疾病的症状。)
- The signal attenuates as it travels through the cables.(信号在传输过程中逐渐衰减。)
- His voice attenuated with exhaustion.(他的声音因疲惫而变得微弱。)
- The attenuated sound of the piano filled the room.(钢琴的音色在房间里弥漫开来。)
- The attenuated river flowed peacefully through the valley.(细流在山谷中平静地流淌。)
- The attenuated moonlight shone through the clouds.(稀疏的月光透过云层照耀下来。)
- His attenuated figure disappeared into the distance.(他消瘦的身影消失在远方。)
- She has an attenuated figure, always dressed in loose clothing.(她身材纤瘦,总是穿着宽松的衣服。)
- The attenuated virus is used in the production of vaccines.(减毒病毒被用于疫苗的生产。)
- The attenuated population of the endangered species needs protection.(濒危物种的稀少种群需要保护。)
- The attenuated effect of the medication was not sufficient to treat the symptoms.(药物的减弱效果不足以治疗症状。)