absentee - 英 [ˌæbsənˈtiː] 美 [ˌæbsənˈtiː] - adj. 缺席的;不在场的名词
absenteeism - 英 [ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm] 美 [ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm] - n. 缺勤;旷工词语辨析
- absenteeism 是指员工缺勤或旷工的行为或现象。 - absence 则更广泛地表示某人不在某地或不参加某项活动。词汇扩充
- absentee rate:缺勤率 - absentee policy:缺勤政策 - chronic absenteeism:长期缺勤近义词
- truancy:旷课 - nonattendance:不出席反义词
- attendance:出席;到场柯林斯词典
- absenteeism (noun): The problem of absenteeism is particularly bad in this industry.牛津词典
- absenteeism (noun): High levels of absenteeism can be disruptive to a company.用法
- There has been a significant increase in absenteeism in the company recently. - The company has implemented a new policy to reduce absenteeism. - Chronic absenteeism can lead to disciplinary action.相关例句
- Her frequent absenteeism from school is causing concern among her teachers. (她经常缺课使老师们担忧。)
- The high rate of absenteeism is affecting the productivity of the company. (高缺勤率正在影响公司的生产力。)
- The supervisor warned the employee about his constant absenteeism. (主管对员工经常缺勤进行了警告。)
- Absenteeism is a major issue that needs to be addressed in the workplace. (缺勤是一个需要在职场上解决的重要问题。)
- Her absenteeism record is not good, and it may affect her chances of promotion. (她的缺勤记录不好,这可能会影响她的升职机会。)
- The company has implemented a strict absenteeism policy to reduce the number of unexcused absences. (公司已经实施了一项严格的缺勤政策,以减少未经允许的缺席次数。)
- Chronic absenteeism can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed. (长期的缺勤可能是需要解决的潜在问题的迹象。)
- The school is taking measures to tackle truancy and reduce absenteeism. (学校正在采取措施来应对旷课和减少缺勤。)
- The company is facing a problem of high absenteeism among its employees. (公司正面临员工高缺勤率的问题。)
- The absenteeism rate in the factory has decreased since the new attendance policy was introduced. (自从实施了新的出勤政策以来,该工厂的缺勤率已经下降。)
- Her absenteeism is affecting the team's performance. (她的缺勤正在影响团队的表现。)
- Absenteeism can have a negative impact on the overall productivity of a company. (缺勤对公司的整体生产力会产生负面影响。)
- The company is implementing measures to address the issue of chronic absenteeism. (公司正在采取措施解决长期缺勤问题。)
- Excessive absenteeism may result in termination of employment. (过度缺勤可能导致雇佣终止。)
- Absenteeism can be a symptom of low employee morale. (缺勤可能是员工士气低落的一个症状。)
- Reducing absenteeism is one of the company's top priorities. (减少缺勤是公司的首要任务之一。)
- The company is conducting a survey to identify the reasons behind the high absenteeism rate. (公司正在进行一项调查,以确定高缺勤率背后的原因。)
- The supervisor spoke to the employee about his frequent absenteeism and warned him of the consequences. (主管与员工谈了谈他经常缺勤的问题,并警告他后果。)
- The company offers incentives to employees with good attendance records to reduce absenteeism. (公司为出勤良好的员工提供激励措施,以减少缺勤。)
- Absenteeism can lead to a loss of productivity and increased workload for other employees. (缺勤可能导致生产力的损失和其他员工工作负担的增加。)