impregnated: 使怀孕的;浸渍的;注入的名词
impregnation: 受孕;浸渍;注入词语辨析
- impregnate: 浸透,使充满;通常指液体渗透或渗入固体物体中的过程。 - impregnation: 浸渍,注入;涉及将一种物质注入或渗透到另一种物质中的过程。词汇扩充
- impregnator: 浸渍剂;注入物 - impregnability: 不可渗透性;难以渗入 - impregnatee: 受孕者 - impregnable: 不可攻破的;坚不可摧的近义词
- saturation: 饱和;浸润 - infiltration: 渗透;渗入 - permeation: 渗透;渗入反义词
- extraction: 提取;取出 - removal: 移除;清除柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
impregnation: 1. the act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated 2. the process of introducing a gas into a solid, as in the treatment of iron with carbon to form steel 3. the process of adding a modifier to a chemical compound 4. the process of introducing an additive to a fuel mixture to improve its performance 5. the process of inserting resin into a porous specimen and then hardening and polishing the specimen for examination 6. the process of inoculating animals with a disease organism or serum to produce immunity牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
impregnation: 1. The action or process of impregnating or the state of being impregnated. 2. The introduction of a foreign substance or a dye into a material to give a desired property.用法
- The impregnation of the fabric with a water-repellent substance made it suitable for outdoor use. (浸渍) - The impregnation of the uterus by the fertilized egg leads to pregnancy. (受孕) - The wood was impregnated with preservatives to prevent rotting. (浸渍) - The impregnated soil was ideal for planting. (浸渍)例句
- The impregnation of the dye into the fabric resulted in a vibrant color.(浸渍)
- The impregnation of the soil with nutrients improved the crop yield.(浸渍)
- The impregnation of the sperm into the egg is necessary for fertilization to occur.(受孕)
- The impregnation of the wood with resin made it more durable.(浸渍)
- The impregnated fabric repelled water and kept the wearer dry.(浸渍)
- Her impregnation with knowledge and wisdom made her a great leader.(充满)
- The impregnation of the concrete with reinforcing steel bars made it stronger.(注入)
- The impregnation of the vaccine into the body triggered an immune response.(注入)
- The impregnation of the scent into the air created a pleasant atmosphere.(渗透)
- The impregnation of the oil into the wood enhanced its natural beauty.(渗透)
- He studied the impregnation of gases into liquids for his research project.(注入)
- The impregnation of the chemical into the solution caused a color change.(注入)
- The impregnation of the drug into the bloodstream quickly relieved the pain.(注入)
- The impregnation of the fragrance into the soap gave it a pleasant smell.(渗透)
- The impregnation of the stain into the fabric made it difficult to remove.(渗透)
- The impregnation of the resin into the specimen allowed for better analysis under the microscope.(浸渍)
- The impregnation of the virus into the cells caused an infection.(注入)
- The impregnation of the ink into the paper resulted in a clear print.(渗透)
- The impregnation of the scent into the candle released a pleasant aroma when lit.(渗透)
- The impregnation of knowledge into young minds is essential for their development.(注入)